Fuel Gauge on R3T

Super D.

Nov 27, 2007
So. Cal
2005 Rocket 3 Standard Black, Flyscreen
I have noticed within the last week or so that my fuel gauge on my R3T is only registering about 1/2 tank after I fill it up completely. When I push the info button it registers about 60 miles until empty. I just did the 12 min. tune, and it didn't help the situation... Is anyone else having issues like this? Any suggestions?
Say it isn't so!

A fuel gauge on a Triumph isn't working!?

I know, I know... Typical problem. It isn't the gauge itself that bothers me, it is the electrical part. The miles to empty. I am wondering if the problem might be more serious than just the gauge not working.
I'd suspect the float.

If the float is off, the gauge is off and the miles to empty would be off because one of the numbers that it uses to calculate MTE is tied to the data from the float.

I think you have a mechanical problem, not electrical.
Any suggestions on how to rectify the issue? I am at a loss. I am a step away from taking it to the dealer, but I would like to try and do it myself.
You've got an 08, it's under warranty. Make the dealer fix it.

Is it always registering half full (or empty) or will it change as you drive?

If it's always at half, maybe a fuse or a loose wire on the sender and half is just the default position for the gauge.

If it's the float, you'd have to pull the whole sender, pump, float thingy majig out and that can be messy. If that float unit or the sender is bad, you'd have to BUY a new one. If the dealer does it, it's free.
Yeah, your right.... I was just hoping to avoid dropping it off. Thanks!
Maybe someone has a better idea, that's all I've got though, I don't have an R3T so I'm just guessing.
I just called the dealer, and he said that this is fairly common.... Go Figure. Good Guys though, they are going to try and fit me in tomorrow.