
Aug 18, 2012
Kansas City
05 Rocket III
Didn't realize covid had caused moto tires to go the way of primers and lumber.

My front is sorely in need of replacing (thanks to a nail last year, I'm on a staggered schedule with the rear) and they are mighty thin on the ground. I've been running the Cobra AV71, but apparently it's discontinued. RMATV does have the new AV91 in stock but it's about $75 more than the old one was and I'm pinching pennies (thanks also, to COVID). Does anyone have any other recommendations, make and model, or source? I know the Bridgestone is not well thought of on the front (I've got the Exedra Max on the rear and it's been great) had anyone had any experience with the SHinkos on the front of a Rocket? I had great luck with them on my Suzukis, and the price is attractive, if you can find them in stock.

You can go one size smaller on the cobra chrome, save a little money. I did this last time I bought tires, really like the handling better.
The bridgestone exedra max up front is awesome and never fails and ive thrown down on it pretty hard at over @1100 pounds loaded and blastin it. @140 it gives me confidence