Streamlined Thing it is with PoliRadio and all. What is the source of the AirDam in the front, please? It looks like serious protection against water and anything the front tyre might throw at the engine.
2 or 3 different sources. Some have cutouts to fit front crash bars some do not. Available painted with Triumph colors from UK or just gel coat. Possibly get the paint color you want.
In stock.
Matt and Phantom Black
Satin and Gloss Black
Phantom Black with Tornado Red Stripe
Matt Black with White Stripe
UK eBay listings will work on US or Australian eBay as well.
8 pages about 70 items of R3 listings from £5 to £335. Triumph Custom Parts
My plastic piece is a little loose and it rattles. I tried to reach inside the fender to try to see what size bolt it uses...very tight space with the front tire installed but it did not seem to be a bolt but rather some sort of a plastic snap in piece? Is that right?
It’s a push nut or whatever you call em. I had same issue so bought new ones and put very thin soft rubber washer beyween inside of fender and cured easily. Removing the fender is very easy...even for a crap wrencher like me.