I am changing the brakes on my 05 r3 for the first time and so far it seems easy enough. .com site had good visuals to go by. Rears were super simple. My question is the bolt on the front seems stuck, is it threaded or can I tap it through the other side to take it out? I'm just afraid of damaging it or braking my allen wrench.
Thanks, Tony
Do not attempt to tap it out it is threaded, the threads are on the head where the allen wrench fits, a few years back one of mine would not budge ended up stripping the little buger just ordered a new one ($12.00) and used an easy out to remove the old one.
I am changing the brakes on my 05 r3 for the first time and so far it seems easy enough. .com site had good visuals to go by. Rears were super simple. My question is the bolt on the front seems stuck, is it threaded or can I tap it through the other side to take it out? I'm just afraid of damaging it or braking my allen wrench.
Thanks, Tony
Have you tried penetrating oil ? Another trick is to find a flat ended punch that will touch the bottom of allen socket without disturbing the flats. Give it a shot of p-oil and then tap on the punch. The vibration helps the oil work into the treads.
I am changing the brakes on my 05 r3 for the first time and so far it seems easy enough. .com site had good visuals to go by. Rears were super simple. My question is the bolt on the front seems stuck, is it threaded or can I tap it through the other side to take it out? I'm just afraid of damaging it or braking my allen wrench.
Thanks, Tony
An even better idea would be to get a hammer type impact wrench and put an allen adaptor on it. They can be bought cheaply. And still give it a shot of penetrating oil.
Give the penetrating lubricant a few minutes to work. When you have the bolt removed use a small amount of never seize to prevent corrosion when reassembling the brake caliper.
OK I used some PB penetrating spray i have, it supposed to leave a residue that helps keep it from seizing up again. I had to spray it a couple times then lightly tapped on it with my hammer on a cloth so as not to damage it. Crap forgot to put anti-seize on the bolt I also had to order another set of pads because I read the details of my order wrong and only ordered pads for one of the rotors up front. Oh well, I'm not very mechanically inclined so I really like it when I'm able to do something myself. That picture of that very dirty bolt was perfect I could see exactly what I was looking at thanks for the help everyone.
Oh my six year old girl was also able to help which made it twice as nice!
Hey that bolt is the same way it was when that the bloody englishman installed it on my bike I change my pads every year about the same as you do Richard but for some reason the pin would not budge one time.