So as some of you pointed out the manual is lying about the front accessory socket being permanently live and not having anything to actually plug into it I was using my VOM to test for continuity which is pointless on a switched circuit which this definitely is. The fact that I was not getting any voltage reading with the bike both on and running can only be due to it needing to sense some current draw before switching on. Once I plugged my brand new charging plug in it worked just fine even though I had to tighten up the pin contacts for a stable connection.
I've connected both my Zumo XT and Denali DRL's to the DIN plug and all works great, on and off with the bike. I did brake the terminal on the DIN plug and replaced it with another from Amazon, very fragile, breaks as soon as its bent.
But then why would @papanorm 's 2023GT behave differently from my 2023R? His socket is always live while mine is switched.
But oh well, I'll just stop thinking about it.
But then why would @papanorm 's 2023GT behave differently from my 2023R? His socket is always live while mine is switched.
But oh well, I'll just stop thinking about it.