Hey, Welcome from Pensacola Fl. USA Took the wife for a ride on mine first thing and after banging me on the head a few times she clamed down and said the sissy bar had saved her from being throne off the back and saved me from devoice.:eek: LOL

Yeah, I can see my better half doing the same on the rocket, until she realises she can relax on it more than on my other bike...she wont go on that one!
It's mine! Pic taken from outside the dealership before I rode off

Still waiting for engine and sissy bars to be in stock and get fitted but I have some running in to do before I use it in ernest yet anyway...I'm trying to keep 3-3.5K rpm until the first service but I've already gotten greedy for the roar a couple of times.

I'll be getting a fly screen and belly pan next month then that'll be it for the time being

I have got to say that engine is VERY tight with no miles on it, I hope it frees up fairly quickly

Got me one of those too. Engine bars and exhaust on back order and should be sorted next week. Riding down to London this weekend for a 500 mile run. Should get to know each other by the end of the ride.

Great bike!
Got me one of those too. Engine bars and exhaust on back order and should be sorted next week. Riding down to London this weekend for a 500 mile run. Should get to know each other by the end of the ride.

Great bike!

I'm trying not to ride in the wet if at all possible, I have the other bike for bad weather, this one I want to keep pristine and use it on the good days...this is making it hard to get the first 500 on it with the weather changes recently!

It certainly has to be treated with some respect, it's going to be a slow gradual progression what with the extra weight and uber torque/power...the SMT is very forgiving and quick to adjust last minute and I am concious the R3 aint so much....

I am really really looking forward to getting the miles onto this bike with some touring, might start by heading to the peak, lakes then Scotland next spring.

See you about no doubt ;)
Lakes next weekend for me for the last tour of the year. With Ride to the Wall the last run for our band of brothers.

Already booked 4 tours for next year - love it!

Yes, steady as she goes in the wet.
Well after 400 odd miles on the roadster over the weekend I got back on the SM-T for my commute, the steering is sharp and brakes are awesome but the engine now feels gutless lol.....

I've been spoilt now!!