Is it me, but when ever I change my engine oil and preform routine maintenance on my bike, it just seems like it run better! I know I must be crazy, (don't ask me what brand of oil I use) excuse me, going for a ride to see if it's any faster!!
Its because to all intents and purposes it does, fresh oil lubricates better therefore run smoother i noticed as soon as i got motul 7100 into my r3r the gear shifts are smooth as silk compared to dirty triumph oil lol, new rear tyres feel amazing because they are much stickier and usually correctly inflated. If everyone did tyre pressures everytime they rode the tyre would last half again as long, plus cornering ability and less flex from tyre means you transmit the torque to the pavement better!!
Its just karma you feel better because you just put a smile on your machine. Your not crazy just feel good because you know you just made your motor happy.
Is it me, but when ever I change my engine oil and preform routine maintenance on my bike, it just seems like it run better! I know I must be crazy, (don't ask me what brand of oil I use) excuse me, going for a ride to see if it's any faster!!