Free unrestricted maps for Rocket R GT and TFC now online

Ok, so I have everything connected it's reading the bike but I don't get a reprogram option. I think I have an issue with the map below it says the map must be stored in the tuneECU folder on the device. I can't designate where the map goes.
If you got Penner’s map from, it’s in a zip file in the downloads folder. You should have an app called “files”. Open it and click on the downloads folder. Click on the zip file you downloaded. It will ask you if you want to extract it. Say yes and the map hex file will appear in the downloads folder. In my version of TuneECU, under the map tab, I would hit open, navigate to the downloads folder, and click on the hex file you just extracted. The F1 table in the map should appear. I don’t see why you would need to move the map out of downloads but by all means, save it (in the map tab) to the TuneECU folder. Then you should be able to go to the ECU tab, connect, and download the map to your ecu.
Ok, so I have everything connected it's reading the bike but I don't get a reprogram option. I think I have an issue with the map below it says the map must be stored in the tuneECU folder on the device. I can't designate where the map goes.
I am using this site- tasks En Under the title "Reprogramming (Android version)". Seems simple, just confused when downloading to the Rocket at end of the instructions.
The best set of instruction is on the TuneECU Facebook (if it hasn’t crashed) page at the top under “Files”.
Yeah, I got all that sorted. The trick was showing system files on the tablet. Only then was I able to see the folders. My problem now is the Penner Map keeps failing to load.
FYI, here’s the manual.

So, the TuneECU app must be registered but the bike also has to be registered. Are you getting any % completed during the download?

You can use the ObdLink app to update the firmware in the MX+.

Regarding the battery, I have seen comments that if the battery is on a smart charger, it may appear completely charged but the power may drop when you tax the ECU. Have you tried a car battery? I used Tuneecu about 4 times to download maps to my T120 and never got a clean download. Fortunately, it always recovered.
Steps seem easy, but what do we do after "turn ignition off for (5 sec) and back on again". Do we then turn the ignition back off, turn off and disconnect ECU and bluetooth, replace the fuse, then start the bike for 15 minutes?
Pretty much. There is mention of adaptation in the instructions but then it says with the Rockets it's not available and just to let it run for 15 minutes or let it adapt while riding

App is registered with my email in the upper corner. The bike VIN shows up correctly although I don't know if that means the bike is registered as well although I thought I saw something saying it was.

The download completed every time in about 15 to 20 minutes only to say "download failed" after it reached 100%

My dash charger insert displays voltage and as mentioned before it never dropped below 12.7. The voltage on the bottom of the tablet remained at 12.8 every time. I have a stronger charger that I may try to see what kind of volts it holds before I go the car battery route.

The full restore took over 50 minutes, at one point dropped to 12.6 volts, and was successful so it's kind of strange that my issue would be voltage related but who knows
So under ECU/ informations, it shows your vin and not “register” in the lower left?

And you’ve updated the firmware in the MX+? Doing this and using a stronger charger is stuff the developer would suggest so you may as well rule them out

But it seems unlikely this is a voltage problem since it recovered successfully in 50 min.

If you join the TuneECU Facebook group you will see a million problems. This would allow you to message Tom Tomtom (Tom Hamburg) and ask WTF is going on. I don’t know his position exactly but he puts out the instruction manuals and is a good resource. Or Email Alain directly.
1. I'll have to check to go back and confirm this

2. Firmware was updated before install I just purchased the MX so it's the first thing I did

3. I agree

4. I joined a week or so ago. I'll go poke around on there
After forcing the full restore after being stuck in the failed tune loop, I made sure the battery was fully charged and had it on a dedicated charger (not a trickle charger) and the tune took after that.