Free unrestricted maps for Rocket R GT and TFC now online

Thank you brother. Appreciate all your hard work!
Hi all, as a newbie to TUNE ECU I was wondering if there is a howto somewhere in the forum (or elsewhere) did a search and only found some old links. I am in Australia and was wondering what 'models' we get so I can determine what map to download. Being a small market we aren't mentioned in the list. Also my VIN number is radically different to those on the site - SMTYBG10J5MAC5858. Any help appreciated. Be gently I am in learning mode!!
Go to tuneecu...scroll down to the bottom of the page almost you will find the suitable tunes ...ide say you have a GT by the vin number correct?...if so...31012 will suit your bike or 31013...i have 31013 in in NZ....cheers
Go to tuneecu...scroll down to the bottom of the page almost you will find the suitable tunes ...ide say you have a GT by the vin number correct?...if so...31012 will suit your bike or 31013...i have 31013 in in NZ....cheers
Cool Thanks Tal. Yes mine is a GT. So are the NZ bikes US models , if you are using the 31013 OR can any of the GT maps be used?? I just see the big warning and assume that there are major differences in fuels between countries.
Has anyone got a link to a nice newbie guide on how to do the flash?

works for me.....just sayin..
Thank you very much.
I am a tuner and writing maps for all kinds of bikes daily. These maps for stock engines are pretty simple to make, if you know what you are doing. It took me about two beers after work.
sort of like our developers at work, i spent a day and half trying to figure out how to automate a particular server process (i'm not a script kiddy), one of the developers noticed me fighting with this, so i explained what i needed a script to do when it was clicked on, he came back 15-minutes later script done and working better than i ever thought possible.
If your GT was sold in Oz or NZ, you need to use the Penner map for the GT, for all markets except US and Canada and other countries. This is based on the 31012Map. It’s on the site under 3/4 cylinder custom maps. You may be able to access it through the TuneECU app. The maps on are in zip files. You can unzip them in Windows or on the Android device.

Before you even think about loading a map, you need to read the documentation. This is on the TuneECU Facebook page under the Files tab at the top. There are instructions on purchasing (on and registering the app. If you don’t get this right, you won’t be able to remap.

There are recommended Android devices and also Bluetooth modules. Don’t waste your time with anything other than OBDLink LX or MX+ Bluetooth modules.
OK thanks everyone for the links and advice. I shall do some reading and watching. I have a registered copy of tuneecu and a MX+. Have already reset the service indicator (WOW a start!!) so with a bit of learning I should be good. Thanks again.
OK thanks everyone for the links and advice. I shall do some reading and watching. I have a registered copy of tuneecu and a MX+. Have already reset the service indicator (WOW a start!!) so with a bit of learning I should be good. Thanks again.
Sounds like you’re ready to download a map.