Well, just another 'me too' post... applied the Penner map to my R and went for a test ride last evening. In short much smoother throttle response through the range and now I have to go to the dentist to get all the flies removed from my molars as my grin was so wide from testing (repeatedly) the new acceleration possibilities!
One thing I noticed is that the engine braking is reduced, making it particularly nice to throttle off when setting up for a corner and not feel like my nose is being pulled over the headlights, so much easier to control and pick up the throttle again.
I talked to Alain and if you email him he will sell the tune but he needs the vin and serial number of the ECU so not a one size fits most tune. (I am guessing the vin and serial number are used in the encryption of the ECU.)
Coming back to this: interesting, because it means it's possible at first, and "doable" from TuneECU. The fact he offered to send the map right away looks like there are no specific client software adjustment required, and that it could just be some bytes write to the proper place, as it's been for similar limiters elsewhere and before.
Due to the fact there is no "per-bike" encryption for anything we could write in this ECU for now, and that the TuneECU 2021-06-11 changelog states "Adding the "Protect Map" feature (for Pro license)", I'm thinking that this is more the developer attempting to get sure some maps will only be sold from him and locked to a specific individual, than cooping with any form of Keihin ECU encryption.
I'm willing to spend software development and first-level bytes reverse engineering time on such issues, but I don't know anything about usual Triumph/Keihin ECU storage specifics. If someone can assist with this part (modern Triumph with Keihin ECU maps data storage format)... TuneECU stores maps in a way that is kind of proprietary and independent from ECU maps data storage, so nothing useful I could infer from there for now.
Had my break in service completed Friday afternoon and flashed Penner's MAP Friday evening.
Echoing others, I appreciate your effort and willingness to share Ulf Penner.
Didn't get a chance to ride much over the weekend, but concur with the other comments regarding engine breaking seeming to be smoother with fewer pops.
The one time I was able to hit it pretty hard from a stop light I'm very familiar with, I noticed I was going 8 - 10 mph faster when I passed the side street where I usually ease things back down. Besides the new tune, it was also ~20f degrees cooler than it has been after a rain storm passed through. Hard to say how much of the 8 - 10 mph was tune/lower temps/operator/random.
Leads me to a question though, anyone have comparison quarter mile times between stock and Penner's tunes?
The speed limit was adjustable as a “parameter” on the older Rockets with map files from Tuneboy (.dat) and TuneECU (.hex). I don’t know why the new R3 ECU won’t give the speed limiter up but apparently Alain has hacked it. It isn’t clear how he intends to give TuneECU users this ability. If he can do it by modifying a hex file, you want to make sure it’s the Penner tune, not a stock map. Perhaps he can do it with some kind of a key file which you apply after your (Penner) tune is loaded.
The speed limit was adjustable as a “parameter” on the older Rockets with map files from Tuneboy (.dat) and TuneECU (.hex). I don’t know why the new R3 ECU won’t give the speed limiter up but apparently Alain has hacked it. It isn’t clear how he intends to give TuneECU users this ability. If he can do it by modifying a hex file, you want to make sure it’s the Penner tune, not a stock map. Perhaps he can do it with some kind of a key file which you apply after your (Penner) tune is loaded.
Or perhaps we can use the personalized tune provided by Alain and copy Penner's tables across to it - only the ones that changed, of course. We would need Penner to concur with that suggestion, though.
They recommend The Galaxy Tab A so I would get that. I have an Acer Iconia One 10 which works. Good resources are TuneECU.net, TuneECU.boards.net (you need to join but this is the main site). If you’re on Facebook, join the TuneECU group. The files tab on this page has documentation.
Or perhaps we can use the personalized tune provided by Alain and copy Penner's tables across to it - only the ones that changed, of course. We would need Penner to concur with that suggestion, though.