Free unrestricted maps for Rocket R GT and TFC now online

The only thing that matters is if you can beat an R1 in the quarter.
@Penner Any thoughts on releasing the map that removes the speed restriction? For example are you planning to eventually release it or is it not on your radar? Or if you know where in the Tune-ECU software we can reset that I would love to know.

Not trying to rush anyone, just curious if it will ever happen or if we might see it in the next couple of months. All of your work and time on this is greatly appreciated.
There is not much I can do about it. It is all up to Alain, the developer of this app.
Do you think your TB's are out of wack?
No not out of wack.
my question was if I could see this these TB sensor points
the center TB is not adjustable,it is only the left and right. As long as I can read them, if there out of balance.
I will be able to tune them. It all about the performance!!!
There is not much I can do about it. It is all up to Alain, the developer of this app.
I talked to Alain and if you email him he will sell the tune but he needs the vin and serial number of the ECU so not a one size fits most tune. (I am guessing the vin and serial number are used in the encryption of the ECU.) What I am wondering though is what all did you do to the tune you posted. You turned up the throttle bodies correct? I am concerned that if I did get the unrestricted speed tune it might not have the power through the gears your tune does.
Ask Alain to unrestrict the speed in Penner’s tune.