Free unrestricted maps for Rocket R GT and TFC now online

I have to agree with you on the 7400 redline, I'm feeling that I should be happy with what this map does; it's well worked and I've had my rocket up to 140MPH with it [and before] - then I say to myself "what am I doing" .... adrenaline can be a dangerous thing for us!! the start to 100MPH is all I need and it's SO fun!!
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Do you plan to keep these tunes available and free? I'd like to let the warranty run out on my bike before I start tinkering with the exhaust and tune.
Tried finding an answer in the thread but couldnt find anything.

Is the OBDLink LX/MX tools specifically required or will any OBD 2 bluetooth adapter work?
Tried finding an answer in the thread but couldnt find anything.

Is the OBDLink LX/MX tools specifically required or will any OBD 2 bluetooth adapter work?
There are very few compatible bluetooth adaptors. LX/MX are your safest best. There is a list on the TuneECU website I believe but some of the cheaper ones run the risk of being counterfeit. I'd recommend getting the OBDLink and not worrying about it. It's handy to have for your cars as well in case you need to pull/clear trouble codes or troubleshoot an issue.
I believe VIN matters but someone smarter than me to confirm. Reason i say it is I had a tune sent over from DNK a while back for my Thruxton 1200. She accidentally built it for a Thruxton 1200 R. No difference in engine or fueling, but the bike wouldn't start once installed. Quick fix on her end and the tune (now for a standard thruxton 1200) worked great.
So, i have installed Mr. Penners map, took the bike out on one of the local "raceways", first thoughts: Mother F***er, what is the matter with you, do you have no regard for human life what so ever?, if the grin on my face got any bigger the top of my head would have fallen off, then what? What a blast, the launch from stop isn't as abrupt as it was, and the whole things feels very linear in the way it delivers power, as your plowing through the gears, bike starts and runs smoother, 1rst 2nd and 3rd now run to a higher speed before hitting the rev limiter, all in all, YEA BABY, oh yea, the big bad V-ROD on the "raceway" who thought he was king sh!t of terd island, he had know idea what he went up against, he isn't so bad anymore, so far this season, 3-0
have to agree with THIS response - felt pretty much the same way! Nice job on the vrod too brother!!
I sold a vrod for the Rocket. Oh boy!!! What a difference displacement makes. Oh and the tune. Just all grins. I feel sorry for my ****** rocket. This bike is so much more fun at legal speeds hahahahaha!!!
Thank you very much


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