So, i have installed Mr. Penners map, took the bike out on one of the local "raceways", first thoughts: Mother F***er, what is the matter with you, do you have no regard for human life what so ever?, if the grin on my face got any bigger the top of my head would have fallen off, then what? What a blast, the launch from stop isn't as abrupt as it was, and the whole things feels very linear in the way it delivers power, as your plowing through the gears, bike starts and runs smoother, 1rst 2nd and 3rd now run to a higher speed before hitting the rev limiter, all in all, YEA BABY, oh yea, the big bad V-ROD on the "raceway" who thought he was king sh!t of terd island, he had know idea what he went up against, he isn't so bad anymore, so far this season, 3-0