Free unrestricted maps for Rocket R GT and TFC now online

Unless you are at a very high altitude, or other extreme atmospheric condition, you are probably okay to ride it without the adaptation. Just be careful at slow speeds for a few miles to prevent spluttering or some such problem. The computer (or Borg) will adapt quite quickly when you are riding. The "12 minute tune" is probably more to protect Triumph from legal action than anything else.
That is awesome! Unfortunately for me, my experience with the DNK tune was quite the opposite of yours. But it was also a different tune, though; 31018 (all markets except SA and some others) as opposed to your 31019 (US and Canada). I am convinced they fumbled something on mine. When I started asking questions and suggested that they recheck and then send me the tune again, DNK only responded with snotty one-liner replies. When I objected to their replies' tone and suggested that we work together to sort it, they refunded me.

So, DougL suggested that I load Penner's tune - the subject of this thread. Again, the 31018 version in my case. My 4ss-dyno was finally very pleased with that, but I had earlier noticed a dip of sorts in the graphical displays of ETV3 and ETV2 - Penner might well have had good reason for those. I thought I would tweak them a bit to 'straighten things out' and, while I was there, decided to fiddle ETV3 some more even (-:

I loaded several iterations over the next couple of weeks, including two that overcooked things to the point of being completely hairy. This is my final 'improvised' version - the main difference lies in the 29-73% throttle position range. I ride with traction control enabled now and will still for a while. And even with that, it will easily break traction momentarily when engaging 2nd and 3rd, also exiting corners mind. I am convinced that it will power wheelie in first, but I have not got the b4lls for that just yet*. It maxes out against the hard speed limit on one of my favourite roads with an incline: both directions, uphill and downhill. The bike is simply wicked, for now anyway.

Give it a try by plugging in the numbers between, and including, the 29.4% and 91.2% columns and saving it to another filename. Load it at your own risk, of course. It should have the same effect on the 31019 DNK tune - exhilarating.

* I do not espouse to wheelying street bikes and especially not larger, heavier ones. But that is an entirely different discussion.
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I also got short rather curt (nearly rude but not quite) email responses from DNK. I told them I had Comp Werks exhaust but the map I was sent said stock exhaust. Then I sent then my dyno and AF numbers and they quickly sent me another adjusted tune which was nice. I just don’t think they (or her I believe DNK is a woman owned shop) really care to be super nice in emails. They did a great tune in my opinion and it was well worth the $200 and the minor annoyance of perhaps less than stellar customer service. No huge deal for me. I really enjoy the motorcycle a lot more now (already loved it) and the email stuff was just king of surprising. Anyways, will load Penner tune soon to compare. Really wish I had a map switch on the bike like on my enduro bike so I could go back and forth to compare.
Did you notice a lot less decel pop with Penner?
Correct. It was the first time I encountered a tuner or fueller who struggles with technical queries in their supposed comfort sphere. She also advised me that they use the same tunes for stock air cleaners (plenums) and open ones (pods), which triggered wailing sirens and flashing lights. And I pretty much suspect the dyno charts are lifted off customer posts on Facebook. DougL and I theorized why DNK advances timing at higher revs in all gears while Penner only does that in 3-6 at lower revs. The extra grunt mine sports down low now explains that.

I have put DNK behind me now. Penner's map ticks all the boxes, including cost. I am even contemplating erecting a Penner shrine in the backyard (-; No more popping, just a pleasant prolonged gargle now and then, perfectly befitting the Beast.
The F and I tables got just a small range to work properly. The DBW-tables are much more a matter of taste. Do whatever fits your riding style. The first DBW-maps I made were for Harleys and some of the riders did not feel comfortable on bumpy roads when every little twist of the throttle caused a reaction. So I kept it close to cosy stock map at lower throttle openings and made an exponential progression at wider throttle.
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After putting in the good work this weekend, iI can attest to the improvements Penner's tune made. It is measurably better. Smoother more consistent power band all the way up. I too noticed slight decrease in engine braking, but took all of 2 minutes to adjust my riding style to. The bike now feels how it should have felt all along. Excellent work!
Successfully flashed Penners tune today, it feels a lot more crisp than the stock tune. I too am still scared to hit it hard in all gears. I hit the limiter in second once and nearly had to stop pull over and take a few deep breaths. So far for a free tune I really cannot complain. I will be looking for an aftermarket exhaust system next few weeks and once I find I might take it to a tuner to whack on the dyno. Thoughts tho, Penners tune with the quick shifter.. Fun..lots..
I really think the quick shifter will be fun with all this torque. I want to do it. But it’s just kind of expensive installed by the dealer. It’s over $500. Not sure if I will do it. Would love to hear what other think of it on this bike. I love it on my s1000rr slamming that at 14,000rpm will make you call your mother haha! This bike is begging for a quick shifter too.
Well I do have the quick shifter and all I can say is I’m glad I do.