Free unrestricted maps for Rocket R GT and TFC now online

The voltage recommended by Tune-ECU is at least 12.5V at upload.
I have had lower numbers and it worked. But never as far down as 11.8.
If you pulled the headlight fuse, you still need about 2A to keep it above 12.5.
Just tried the recovery at 12.2v, get to 100%, dings, then dialog box comes up and says download failed. Prompted to turn off for 5 seconds. Turn back on, prompts to run recovery again.
Just tried again with a charger on it keeping it at 13V. Same thing.
You got the correct stock map for recovery?
I do, but even trying to run the recovery with the stock map does the same thing. Unless I’m doing something wrong? When it prompts to start the recovery process, I’ve tried with both maps. So weird. TFT still works fine. But no gear position indicator, and no fuel pump power.
It seems like your registration is OK but it’s been a big problem for a couple of weeks. Have you looked at the announcements on the TuneECU Facebook page, ie, the first one by Tom Tomtom?
It seems like your registration is OK but it’s been a big problem for a couple of weeks. Have you looked at the announcements on the TuneECU Facebook page, ie, the first one by Tom Tomtom?
I haven’t. I haven’t been on Facebook for a few years. I joined the forum though.
Managed to get it back to the stock tune. Not sure what’s going on lol but randomly I noticed the checkbox that said full recovery, so I checked that and made sure the Oem map was selected and 35 minutes later I’m back up.
My thoughts are that the low voltage caused the unrestricted map to fail. And then the recovery process was pulling the wrong map to recover from. Eventually I noticed that checkbox and ran that. It got me back to everything working again.
Reactions: idk
You will need to update your post on the TuneECU board, adding that you have sorted the problem. And you should probably have posted under 'Support' rather than under 'New Release'. You also mentioned there that your battery voltage was 13.1 V when you encountered the problem (?)
Not sure the problem is officially sorted, but yes I plan on updating the post. The tune load failed for some reason initially. My suspicion is the low voltage. But even running the recovery as many times as I did with the battery at appropriate levels didn’t rectify the issue until eventually there was a “full recovery” checkbox that I could check. That recovery process worked and got the bike back to Oem tune and everything working again.
jlagrave, what ae you using for a terminal? Smart phone, Tablet?? I had issues when using android smart phone, now I have a android tablet and never a clitch.