Found these in my gas tank.....

You kidding right? That is total foolishness.
Thought I’d post updated pic of my bsa,,,pretty much done now..
Back in the mid 60's my dad and uncle bought bikes with an inheritance from a great aunt, that is the same bike my uncle purchased....Wow....that brought back a lot of great memories, my uncle would always take one of us kids along for a ride outside the city.....simply Wow
You kidding right? That is total foolishness.
It is quite an old thing. There are several patents for the technology. It originated in Russia iirc - had military Aviation applications. Was an alternative to adding tetra-ethyl lead.
Something to do with the chemistry twixt Tin and Steel.

Surprisingly (maybe not) - I have used similar and it did "something". It stopped my E-Type pinking on 98 octane and kept the Engine temps lower (about 6°C)

Waste of time on anything newish though.

Edited - Ah - it seems I answered this before. Alzheimers.
Looks like an overly simplified solution that is oversold. There may be merit, but you have to know the chemical reaction to know if it is actually applicable to your ride. I keep trying to tell this to my family, but there is still more "as seen on TV" junk around the house that I wish never showed up...that stuff is like a Hydra: get rid of one and suddenly two more show up.
I'll have to read this again later because I'll forget.
Yeh right so they dissolve at what rate for how long into what volume of what fuel?????? Oh well snake oil always sold and probably did cure a bunch of stuff and if its as seen on TV then it must be legitimate.