Forgot how much attention the Rocket gets

Indeed. So happy spring is here, loving being back on 2 wheels and actually comfortable with the temperature instead of just tolerating the weather.
I must have the worst luck. In the last 2 years, I've probably had 2 people ask me about the Rocket.

1 older gent that had an original bonnie from back in the day and 1 guy around 30 that came out to the parking lot in Luckenbach when he saw about 20 of us roll up. Said he had never seen one in person.

I did have someone on a Yamaha Raider ask me what my displacement is, once I informed him, he turned his head and rode away

By comparison, I had an '11 Yamaha Stryker, almost every stop light someone rolled down their window and made small talk while the light was red.
My favorite questions:
Is it a 6 cylinder?
Is it comfortable?
Is it fast?

I always tell sport bikers who can’t get enough, a large section of R3 owners are former/current sport bike riders that want comfort.
I am beginning to understand this. I picked up my 2014 R3T in San Antonio, TX and rode it back to FL 4/6-7. On the way back, I two different stops where I had a guy ask/talk with me about the bike. I have filled up 6 times since getting back and have had 3 occasions where people have asked me about the bike. I am starting to wonder if this is going to be a "thing". In my area I have only seen a Rocket in the wild 1 time in 11 years of riding.

Funny, we have Amish here, the Amish kids seem to love motorcycles, they always pump their arms when we ride by like we did when kids to get a semi to blow their air horns, we always toot and rev the motor.
I may have convinced someone to buy an R3 lol. He posted “ Looking for a bike my pillion will be more comfortable on than my 636 ninja that doesn’t scare the crap out of her”. Thus, with just an introduction to the R3, the seeds of a fledgling captain were planted

We’re going looking at R3 for sale in the area soon lol.

On another note: I’m finally there, no more changes to power, handling will done, I have finally hit what I call “Peak Modding”. Anything more will push the bike too far into the race bike category and compromise it’s ability as a commuter, a great feeling! Now just a few small appearance mods to tidy some stuff up.
Commuted on the new-to-me R3T for the first time Monday.

No less than 6 people made deliberate stops by my office or even sent texts saying what a beautiful bike it is (and then asking "Exactly what kind of bike is that again?")
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received quite a few compliments on my 07 over the years.

The weather has been percect here in Florida during our visit but I look forward to getting home and out on the road next week. I'll install the solo seat and rack I got from Tripps and get out on the road
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