For the tech heads


Jun 28, 2009
Warminster Wilts .UK
Triumph Rocket III 2004
I bought my Daughter a Macbook Air laptop and when she came to to print off some college work we couldn't do it as we only have a Windows compatable printer ,she emailed it to herself and opened it up on the PC (windows 10) but it could not be read.
Has anyone else had this problem and is there a free or cheap way to get around it.
So many variables here... Too many to list given your description.
Wired or wireless network etc etc
That is strange, most newer printers are both Windows and Mac compatible , on the Mac Air go to System Preferences ( gray gear icon in your toolbar) then click on Printers and Scanners your printers name should be on the list, if not then you need to wirelessly connect to it or use a USB connection from the computer to the printer.
It should automatically detect the printer.
My printer doesn't have WIFI and i have tried connecting the Macbook directly to the printer with a cable but it comes up with my Printer but wont connect to print so i need some other way to convert Macbook PAGES to PDF?
I am assuming that you are using Pages for your word processing....

1) Once you have your document as you like it hit the command button along with the letter P (command P) or file then print from the menu.
2) The print menu will pop up...look on the bottom left corner and select PDF.....Save it as a PDF.
3) You can now open the PDF on a Windows computer and print it.
I'm not sure how the Mac Air works and what applications are available for it, but as an example I couldn't originally print from my iPad. There are programs/apps out there like Printer Share that will allow you to print documents from your device. The application/program needs to be installed on on both the Mac Air and your computer so they can talk to each other. The computer then acts as a "print server" so you can print to the printer that is hooked to it. I can't speak to your specific situation because they are all different....perhaps if you simply go into you printer settings on your PC and simply "share" your printer on your network that will be enough for your Mac Air to see the printer and be able to print over your WiFi connection. Sometimes it take a little time for the printer to show up if you share it so give it a little time.

In any event, it can be done through sharing, or the print server method. Do a little research and you will find programs that will make it work either directly of indirectly. Fairly simple if you understand computers and how to make them talk to each other. Hope this helps...good luck!
Will try it as i still haven't got the Mac connected to the printer but she can now send emails to the PC and print them from there.Thanks
What is the specific make and model of the printer? Have you checked the printer manufacturer's web site for a driver? Is it USB, WiFi, or Ethernet?