for the 2020 rocket service manual

Hello guys! I tried to get the Service manual file according to the instructions, but I just receive message saying: HELP Please!!!!
It may be due to you only have 2 posts. I think you need around 10-15 posts and then you can message other members on here and retrieve all the great info on this site. I may be wrong but just guessing. I do a lot of that guessing thing.

I think it was "my bad." I was thinning out my Google Drive and somehow put that in the trash. Give it another go and let us know if it is working now, or not- should be.
Old thread but I wanted to ping the ownership audience about any irregular maintenance requirements, procedures or general tricky/time consuming procedures for the new gen R3. I'm currently on a BWM K1600 (considering the R3 GT) and these bikes definitely have some ownership/maintenance requirements and most things require a fair amount to great deal of disassembly to get to.
The newer models are more difficult to work on than the 2.3s, but very doable. So far, I've done the 10 and 20K services, including swapping some shims at 20K. The manual is pretty good, but there are a few things I've come across that I had to figure out on my own, or weren't mentioned at all (as with most manuals).

I went from the R1200RT to the first of three Rockets and, although the RT was a great bike, I haven't looked back. I don't think you'll regret it. This is a great forum for support, so don't let the maintenance procedures stop you. If you have a specific question now, let me/us know.....
Thanks for the reply. Internal engine work is not something I would tackle. I manage to screw things up or have that "one off" circumstance. If oil, filters, plugs and the like don't have any nuances, then I would be good. Does the rear wheel need to be pulled to drain the final drive fluid? It does on my K bike - dumb design. The R bikes were better in that regard. I see that you have a Madstat windscreen. I had one of theirs on my Victory a decade ago. Great design. I'm eying a GT but will move the pegs to the mid position and add some risers - maybe ROX.
You don't have to pull the wheel to drain the final drive, but of course you do to lube the splines- not mentioned in the manual. Changing the oil is fairly easy, but I'll admit that the spark plugs and air filter are a bit more involved than it really should be. You have to pull the tank and it's more complicated than the previous generations. Here's a write up I did on all that which should help to give you an idea....

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