For anyone wondering the sports tail pack looks like and how to tour on the R


.060 Over
May 12, 2020
Calgary, AB
Triumph RocketR
I got myself ready for a 3000km round trip. I added the backrest so I could install the luggage rack for the trip and ordered the sports tail pack as well for the things I need while riding. I found a really nice bag with lots of loops to secure to the rack. Will use a bike lock to secure the bags to the rack to make it a little less harder to steal if I grab a coffee.
Added a Zumo XT as well and I’m ready to rock and roll. Thanks to everyone here for helping me install this stuff. Without you I would still be throwing money at dealers.
Yea it’s tiny. Kind of annoying to get on and off the bike with it there but I would rather have that then a backpack the whole way.
Funny about that as I'd prefer the backpack. After riding in some heavy rain I think the backpack might keep some of the road muck and cold off my back, as it sure does kick it up from that naked back tire.
.....i have that tailbag...great for small stuff...few tools...spare glasses...spare gloves etc then i have the 35l Kreiga back pack and the 10 l kreiga latched on to it with my rain gear in it if im going away for a few days. The 10l kreiga is good for an overnight with the tailbag also.