Fog light Kit (sub-harness plugging into the bike's harness)


.020 Over
Mar 13, 2007
I just tried installing a set of OEM fog lights on my 07 Classic and everthing went well until I tried plugging in the kit's sub-harness into the Main wiring harness connector on the bike.
I have the correct kit for my Vin# and the #'s on the box and harness match the right #'s
The kit harness end does not even come close to the #3 separate ends from the bike's main harness that I found. ( and I looked everywhere under the tank to find a plug in that would fit)
Has anyone had this problem with hooking up their fog light kit ??

I'm wondering if the fact that my bike is a Canadian model although that shouldn't mattter but then again I wouldn't doubt that it's a Canadian thing ?!?!
There are quite a few connectors under the tank. Make sure you didn't miss it.

1- Fog lights
1- Heated grips
1- Alarm
1- Clock
1- Fuel Gauge

They should all be identified with blue tape.
I found 4 separate plugs in from the Bike's main harness.
From looking at the electrical diagram my problem seems to be the plug from the Fog Light harness which is not the proper size or shape. I located a plug from the bike's harness that has the same colour of wires (Red/blue..Black..Purple) which match the fog light harness colours so I'll wire them together (colour to colour) & that should do the trick...I hope
That might be the clock connector, same colors wires but smaller connector If I remember correctly ( 3 pins instead of 4 or 5).

According to the wiring diagram. The black and Red/Blue would be the same. The Purple on the other hand goes to fuse 3 for the clock instead of fuse 1 for the lights.
Re: Fog light Kit (sub-harness plugging into the bike's harn

jeep said:
I just tried installing a set of OEM fog lights on my 07 Classic and everthing went well until I tried plugging in the kit's sub-harness into the Main wiring harness connector on the bike.
I have the correct kit for my Vin# and the #'s on the box and harness match the right #'s
The kit harness end does not even come close to the #3 separate ends from the bike's main harness that I found. ( and I looked everywhere under the tank to find a plug in that would fit)
Has anyone had this problem with hooking up their fog light kit ??

I'm wondering if the fact that my bike is a Canadian model although that shouldn't mattter but then again I wouldn't doubt that it's a Canadian thing ?!?!

When I installed mine on my 07 everything went together fine until I went to attach the relay to the frame :shock: . On my bike the two extra metal tangs for the extra relays that should be located next to all the other relays are missing. So I had to use zip ties to hold on the relays for the foglights and the heated grips in place :roll: .
If anyone has the fog lights installed on their bike and have their tank up.

I would REALLY appreciate a measurment of how wide the "plugin" is that mates the Kits's subharness to the Bike's main harness

Just to put a end to this thread I recieved a picture from a member and it appears I have the wrong harness for my model