Florida Riders, I promise to show you a good time

Now THAT is a ride!

We have ridden south on 95 and turned west towards the riverside. The road goes all the way to downtown Jacks. It is very nice. Lots of nice river homes and old overhanging trees. Both sides of the river are nice. It's no fast twisties but nice Grampa stuff.

My better half is recovering from appendectomy so I'm riding solo for a few more weeks. I'm retired and a spur of the moment type...I'll likely ride over and try that Ozello Trl road out next Thursday or Friday...but if any locals want to organise something on a weekend, I might wait and try to coordinate.

I'lI be riding a loop something like this to get there/back…
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You have a good ride posted there. There is an interesting bit on 315 after you go through Orange Springs. Slow down and start looking to the left and right. You will notice, as you approach Orange Springs Shortcut Road, that the fencing gets very high, about 6-8 feet high. This is Pheenix Farms. They raise exotic African herd animals for food. There is a lot of tree growth along the fencing. If you go slow and can see through the trees, and if the animals are close enough to the fencing, you will be able to see them. Before the trees got so thick, it was fun to see these creatures. I once stopped to take a picture. They were at least 1/4 to 1/2 mile away, yet as soon as they spotted me walking up to the fencing, the herd started moving away from me. They were very skittish.

Sheriff: 56 exotic animals escaped from farm near Zanesville; 49 killed by authorities - News - The Columbus Dispatch - Columbus, OH

I was riding this area in Ohio with a small group of friends. We stopped at a gas station and people were talking about a lady just hitting a tiger with her car...we later saw this news story...never encountered any strange animals but certainly had our eyes peeled!
Grandkids are leaving tomorrow (4/7/19) morning so I'll be headed over for lunch then to try Ozello Trail.