@Jag It continues to be a bad year for the family.I'm doing good things are getting back to normal for me.
Unfortunately this past Friday night our son's wife got hit and killed while crossing the street,needless to say he is devistated they were holding hands and she got pulled out of his grasp.
Well, we are a week away from one of our options for the Good Time Ride. Who is interested in next Saturday, 11/17? We will meet at 9:30 am at the Flying J Travel Center, 29933 FL-52, San Antonio, FL 33576. It is at I-75 and State Road 52. We will leave at 10:00 am. At this time, the forecast is clear all day and the temperature at the meet-up time will be about 64 degrees, with a high of 69. As I said in the first post, the total ride will take about 4 hours, plus time for lunch, and cover 131 miles. It should be a great day for a ride. If you are coming, PM me your cell phone, and I will send you my cell phone and a GPX file of the route if you want it.
Here are 3 places we can stop for lunch. If you are coming, indicate your preference for each of the three. 1 for first choice, 2 for second choice, and 3 for third choice. Lowest total of the choices wins. I have included links to their menus to help you decide.
It looks like the Saturday before Thanksgiving is not going to work. Any one interested in either Saturday, 12/1 or Saturday 12/8?
Historically, temps on 12/1 run 53˚F for a low and 76˚F for a high and on 12/8 they run 51˚F/75˚F. If the temps are too low for a morning start, we could have a noon start and ride when it is warmer in the afternoon.
Sorry to hear you won't be able to join us. Hope you have a safe drive down/back. Bringing y'all's bikes down is like planting your flag in new territory! A sign of your commitment! We looking forward to seeing you once you complete your move to Sunny Florida. Let us know when you get down here and we will give you a proper Florida Riders welcome!
Long trip I dropped the side car in Raleigh, gave it to my daughter to ride her little dogs around.my wife and my oldest daughter are both blonde, not regular blonde, I mean, you know, blonde. Look at the picture of the front seats of the van. 45 minutes into the ride, my wife says, oh, I didn't realize there was a motorcycle right next to me. I said what are you talking about? She said I didn't realize that was a motorcycle. I said what did you figure it was? She said, IDK, I didn't really look at it that close.