Flips Paddock Stand ???

+2 on the flip stand and as others have said, great for General maintance, storage, but not for tire changes.
Electrician is the best trade out there!!

+2 on the flip stand and as others have said, great for General maintance, storage, but not for tire changes.
Electrician is the best trade out there!!

+2 on the flip stand and as others have said, great for General maintance, storage, but not for tire changes.
Electrician is the best trade out there!!

I definitely agree with you. Almost 40 years myself and soon to retire but will keep working part time though:)
On the other hand, if we didn't have plumbers we'd all be waist deep in **** by now. Yay plumbers.
Yes but without electricity, the pumps don't work that takes your poop to the treatment plant, unless you have a septic system.