45 Gram CO2's - Ebay - Genuine Innovations brand CO2's & adapter/filler head
Dyna plug @ Cyclegear
So, I need to update this - Coincidentally I noticed a screw in my brand new Exedra Max rear tire last nite
I used the Dyna plug kit when I got to the shop this morning and WHAT WAS I THINKING???????????
The screw was small & left a small hole so the dyna plug worked fine...... BUT, If the hole had been larger like a cut I woulda been SOL.
The plugs a F***ing Tiny!!!!!!!!!
The Dyna plug was cheap, so works good on the small stuff but Imagonna add a std size kit to the bag
Also, if you lose the bead which is highly unlikely unless you roll it off in a hard corner, you are going to be SOL even if you remove the valve core, unless you are carrying a spray bottle of soapy water to help it bead up
I haven't had to try it but I do know from using the CO2's on bicycle tires that it gives a VERY FAST, HARD shot of air so in case you do roll a bead having a 45 gram CO2 kit would help in that regard to at least get it started. then also having a 12V inflator to finish it off would be best case scenario.
****, rolling off the bead would SUCK