Fitting a Tank Rack to a 2.5l Rocket 3

I'm hoping to get the new stainless bits from my man next weekend.
Then i'll be able to see if i'm going in the right direction with things, or not.

Well, it seems to be coming together as planned.
This is the first trial fit to the tank.
The new tank strap is just resting on the yellow coloured masking tape, which is there just to protect the paintwork while i'm bending up all the stainless steel sheet metal pieces.
I still need to make the fixing detail to the end of the strap that sits under the seat.
I also still need to weld the two cross brackets to the main strap. At the moment it's held together with some tiny machine screws.
I'm very pleased with how it's shaping up so far.

Trial fit and assembly of parts complete and today, and my sister's partner has taken it back home (a few hours drive away) to get all the stainless steel bits welded together for me.
What a nice guy he is, but more importantly.....he's a better welder than me

Can't wait.......excited to finish it and test how sturdy it is.
Looking forward to the finished product. How is the rack and the gas cap getting along? Does the cap still fully open?
Yes. The gas cap clears the rack fine.
The small day bag that i'm intending to use on this rack also clears the gas cap, but I suppose that if I were to strap a bag larger than that one, there would very likely be a conflict.

This is the bag i'm going to use with the rack. It expands upward into a rucksack big enough to take a crash helmet: SWITCHBACK TAIL PACK / BACKPACK - BLACK

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I really like that retro look. I had a similar rack on the back fender of my 06 HD Street Bob. It really looked good. That and the mini apes it really looked the sh** and with the 95" kit it ran pretty good. Not Rocket good but it had some punch. It was a dyna of course and just to small for me. I was a little heavier then at 215 lbs and even though I'm only 5'9 I just looked way to big on it. A great bike though. Good job on the rack I must say. I dig it! Dare I say nice rack?
Thanks MM.........No one has ever complemented me on my rack before......I'm deeply flattered.

I know it won't be for everyone's taste, but for us more classic (trad?) folks it adds something weight (just joking....not much).
i think that you made an excellant rack and i think that a lot of rocket owners think so also.
it just never occured to me to compiment you.