I've had my 2005 (manufactured July 2004) since 2010, and I finally took the bike for a real road trip. 3,200 miles (5,150 km) from Maine to CT, Mass, NY, PA, OH, IL, WI, UP MI, and across Canada from Sault St Marie and back home through Sudbury and Montreal. It was nice seeing the slice of America and Canada that I came across, but the wee mountains in Quebec and Maine on the last day were the highlight of the trip. Twelve days on the road, eight of which were traveling days averaging 400 milers/day and 36.2 mpg. Average highway speeds roughly 75 mph. And the bike ran flawlessly.
LOL, a couple of Lake Michigan, couple of Canadian farm fields, few of Sudbury, Ontario, and holding a mango sorbet in Chateauguay, Quebec along the St Lawrence. Nary a one of the bike.
LOL, a couple of Lake Michigan, couple of Canadian farm fields, few of Sudbury, Ontario, and holding a mango sorbet in Chateauguay, Quebec along the St Lawrence. Nary a one of the bike.