First R3R @ Puerto Rico

I was stationed on LHA USS Nassau for a 6 month Med cruise (Ooh, sounds exotic doesn’t it!).
Two guys couldn’t wait for a liberty Port and tried to make booze from helicopter fuel. It didn’t go well.
They med-evacted them off the ship and they didn’t come back. Ouch.
Jim when were you on the USS Nassau ? I was on the Vulcan and over there in 1982. We lost two shipmates one from a stabing on liberty, and one that had to much liberty and had to crash in the hole. He got cooked. Spent one night in the Angus with the group Grand Funk Railroad. It was great party they even spoke english :D a great restare when your in gitmo for sea trials :) ah the good old days!!!!
Jim when were you on the USS Nassau ? I was on the Vulcan and over there in 1982. We lost two shipmates one from a stabing on liberty, and one that had to much liberty and had to crash in the hole. He got cooked. Spent one night in the Angus with the group Grand Funk Railroad. It was great party they even spoke english :D a great restare when your in gitmo for sea trials :) ah the good old days!!!!

Hmm, small world. We may have passed each other.
It was the first half of 1982. We were coming back when the Lebanon “War” started and we thought we were going to turn around but the other fleet went around us.
I do remember bombing the piss out of an island near Cuba before we crossed the pond.
It was Amazing to feel the concussion from miles away.

I think the island is a turtle and bird sanctuary now and civilians aren’t allowed to go there due to unexploded ordinances.