First bike you rode and First bike you owned.

First bike I rode was a Honda 305 Dream.

First bike I owned was a blue and silver Benelli 125. Wore all the rubber off the bottom of the pegs and learned everything I needed to know about riding.
In high school a fellow student gave me a ride on a Yamaha 200 (I think), I got the bug at that time, asked my parents if I could get a motorcycle....they said no.

In 1970 after graduating from high school a fellow co-worker at State Farm in Jacksonville, FL had a 1966 Honda 305 Super Hawk. We traded cars (I had a '66 Mustang convertible/auto and 289, he had a 1969 GTO) he wanted to take his girlfriend to the drive in movie and me, I got to find out that I didn't know how to drive a stick real fast, must have stalled it a dozen times till just parked it. Anyway he eventually sold me his Honda, two years later another 305 Super Hawk with hi-rise bars (not quite ape hangers) and shortie pipes and off I went into motorcycling.

Guess I showed my parents...11 motorcycles later...not to say no.

the first bike I rode and owned was a 2005 Honda 750 ACE got it because I wanted to learn to ride dropped it less than a block into it, I guess I got a crash course on shifting
My first bike was a 50cc Rico (a Swiss moped, powered - so to speak- by a French Lavalette engine). The first motorcycle I rode was a 500cc BMW 50 (I might have a pic of it). The first I owned was a 650cc BSA Spitfire MkIII.

That was between 1963 and 1967:eek:.

Wow.. I really can't remember! I worked at a motorcycle shop when I was a young teenager and had the opportunity to work on and ride most every bike known from Bultaco to DKW to Sears, most all of the Jap bikes, BSAs, Triumphs, etc. I believe the first bike I rode was a Honda CT70. I also remember falling in love with a Yamaha RD 100. Yes they made an RD 100 twin, with pistons about the size of a 50cent piece. It was blue and white and just a clean little bike.

The first bike I owned was a '72 Kawasaki 175. That was a great bike. I got my driver's license on a purple Triumph 500 bobber, but the first street bike I owned was a Honda CL350 Scrambler. We had two Triumphs come through the shop at different times. One was a Trident, which really turned me on to Triumph.. and later we had a Bonneville 750 that was just gorgeous, and that sealed my Triumph fascination.. :)

Two other bikes that stood out. One was a BSA 500 single dirt bike which I could not start because I didn't weigh enough to kick it over, and the other was a beautiful orange Suzuki GT750 that one of the mechanics owned. THAT thing was awesome.. It was bored .060 over and the head was shaved to raise compression. It had chrome 3-3 expansion chambers. That thing would light up the rear tire at almost any speed..
He let me ride it a few times, but that thing scared the crap out of me!.. :) and it was fun!
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