Finally installed 130/90/16 front tire

No, not really. Had an odd weaving above 130, but I believe it was the big, fork mounted windshield.
Take SPEED RATINGS with a pinch of salt. The way the ratings are achieved has little to do with the real world - basically it's an indicator how the tyre deals with heat.

If it's generally HOT where you are, and depending how hard you ride - the rubber COULD get TOO hot in hard use.
I shredded both Metzler and Avon - now running a 140/80R17 Z rated up front. If I had a "T" I'd be running it just as hard.

On a tyre with a LOWER load rating - you will need slightly more pressure to compensate. It will weave if not.
Also take into account that at higher ambient air temps - you NEED more pressure - (approx 1psi for every 10ºC)
And if you habitually run over 80mph-ish a psi or two extra is recommended.
I REALLY like my 130/90/16 the bike handles SO much easier now. A lot of the problem with my 150 tire was with uneven wear but I don't think a new 150 would handle near as good as the 130. I highly recommend the 130 if you like a bike that flows into corners and turns. Also it is much easier to handle in tight places at slow speeds and when moving bike with your feet. Bike feels more like a sport bike now and less like a tank.

Looks good to me. Clean rim and front end, new shoes, let's go.
No vibration, but I get a weird weave above 130 or 140 mph
130 mph....I would be hanging on for dear life at that point I think.

Not just a no but a hell no, i do not even feel any vibration at 125mph might be time to get your bike checked out
I dropped from the standard 150 section front down to a 140, the difference was great, in hind site it made the 150 feel like I was riding through mud.
This is on the Classic with a 17" front wheel.
You mention 16" front wheel, do the Tourings have 16" not 17" ?