Finally got my Big Beast back

This is a video of me picking my beast up, See link below for a video(I couldn’t wait incase u went to bed, rockin man, the smiles on youlls face, priceless, when grownass men get this excited you know its special. What a deal

Before i click on this and ruin my expectations of you being a badarse youre not gonna break down when you see it are you cane(boss)corso
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Thanks now I just need to decide on the style I want to upholster the seat and passenger seat in this really nice leather I bought. I'm thinking of a baseball stitch for starters .Humm
Canecorso. I have to admit I am impressed with the amount of work and your vision for the bike but it just doesn't do it for me. It reminds me a bit of the Rune which I never cared for. That doesn't mean it isn't a head turner. You sir are a dreamer. Have fun on it.
This is a picture of a the master Jim that's in the museum of fmetal fabrication s not too make it in there, that made my parts come to life in metal and so much better and his friend Ivan that did the body work and done epoxy primer and will paint in winter. That's also been in magazines and is well known for one of the best and I was lucky enough to find both my vision came true

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Did the wiring nice and neat, I put on some covers we made for the to fog lights and in front of radiator is small running lights / signal lights. And put on my wife small passenger floor boards. All done besides my upholster seat , hopefully Friday I'll get my new gasket for tank and hopefully ride it, I'm going to be so rusty lol

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