SORRY BUT the OZ pipe couldnt be more of COPY CAT LOL not the it matters buy what you want the others are much different I have a CARPENTER BRUTE PIPE on my modded Rocket it works great and looks great but others have different taste thats why the have all the different styles I run BRUTE to compliment my modded 265+ HP CARP Engine as they where developed together BUT STEEL runs the same pipe on his STOCK ROCKET and makes 170+ HP with his super high mileage never rebuilt 135000 mile 2005 ROCKET
THEY are the CARPENTER copies what did they cost /

BS, Art!
Perhaps a similar design, but they are NOT a copy!
There are many differences and if you would have taken the time to look, you would see this.
With just three ports, there are only so many ways to route and maintain some tube equidistance.
Perhaps you feel all cars are copies because they have four wheels??? :D
BS, Art!
Perhaps a similar design, but they are NOT a copy!
There are many differences and if you would have taken the time to look, you would see this.
With just three ports, there are only so many ways to route and maintain some tube equidistance.
Perhaps you feel all cars are copies because they have four wheels??? :D
LOL OK thas funny thats how others describe it I had several calls about exhausts and thats what they had to say and I agreed its a close copy but not exact and STEEL said the same BUT we dont care we have the other style BRUTE pipes that we like better
LOL OK thas funny thats how others describe it I had several calls about exhausts and thats what they had to say and I agreed its a close copy but not exact and STEEL said the same BUT we dont care we have the other style BRUTE pipes that we like better

I am happy that you are happy. I have run neither one, but I find it confusing that you feel the brute is better when you have not ran the @ozrider system or even looked at one in person.
Merry Chrustmas!
I'll just stick with what i got. Looks good. Sounds good. More torque in the low end and mid range than stock. Don't spend a lot of time riding over a Hundred Miles per hour anyhow. Can do it very easily up to about 135 MPH. Spend most of my time riding around 65 to 75 MPH daily. Paul's three into one works fine for me. The local Law here in Oklahoma kind of frown on you a bit when your clocked at or over 100 MPH. Matter of fact they can get kind of nasty about it. :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
BS, Art!
Perhaps a similar design, but they are NOT a copy!
There are many differences and if you would have taken the time to look, you would see this.
With just three ports, there are only so many ways to route and maintain some tube equidistance.
Perhaps you feel all cars are copies because they have four wheels??? :D
As a side note: The Carpenter pipes are not equal length! I actually taped up one end of each primary, filled the tubes with water, and found they hold different amounts. This was done on the Sidewinders but the Brutes also look like they are different lengths. I guess this was done to spread the torque out?