Three into one into three all down the right hand side of the bike.......Triumph Hurricane style.
I've got to say....That's a strong look. Even if there was no performance benefit.
I can see why he/they did it......I could be tempted to do something similar just for the iconic styling.
Craig Vetter will be looking down from on high with a nod and a smile.....
I bet @Paul Bryant could do a true 3 into 3 for the Rocket. Would likely be easier for the GT and would likely need some sort of collector for the O2 sensor to work properly. Hmm...
I bet @Paul Bryant could do a true 3 into 3 for the Rocket. Would likely be easier for the GT and would likely need some sort of collector for the O2 sensor to work properly. Hmm...
You're right about it being easier to do on the GT.
On the mid foot position there is so little space to package the required tubing. The above photo shows that it can be done, but wouldn't give any meaningful power increase due to tube sizing.
I'm very much looking forward to seeing what Paul comes up with...
Maybe something like a 6 spigot-ed X pipe with an oval mid section for the collector between the headers and mufflers. That could satisfy the O2 sensor and perhaps make a bit more power...