Exhaust Popping - running lean?

I Only get slight occasional 'popping'(not regularly) and never get backfiring. so is that o.k.?. or do ya think remapping is required?. I haven't noticed any performance differences.

S'alright, unless it's so ****ed annoying you can't stand it.
I Only get slight occasional 'popping'(not regularly) and never get backfiring. so is that o.k.?. or do ya think remapping is required?. I haven't noticed any performance differences.
It can be reduced or stopped if it get annoying but I choose to just reduce mine and it just gives it a bit of character when you back off after a bit of a canning
It can be reduced or stopped if it get annoying but I choose to just reduce mine and it just gives it a bit of character when you back off after a bit of a canning

Got a bit bored this morning and removed the TOR system and cat converter bypass, refit the cat converter and fit the original pipes. Started to bike up and it seemed to be running smoothly, took it for a fairly quick run for about 40klms, taking the bike up to about 160kph - no missing, no flat spots, no noticeable popping or backfiring, in all a very pleasurable ride. Prior to today and noticeable after I bought the bike it was running fairly rough down low and on approaching and negotiating roundabouts it was so rough I had to keep adjusting throttle position to keep the bike on track. Now I can take roundabouts and tight turns at speed and slowly with ease. So it appears, to me a least, that the bike may not have had an ECU retune after fitting TOR system and bypass? I will arrange to have factory tune checked ASAP but by the way the bike is running I'm not sure if it needs it.
Got a bit bored this morning and removed the TOR system and cat converter bypass, refit the cat converter and fit the original pipes. Started to bike up and it seemed to be running smoothly, took it for a fairly quick run for about 40klms, taking the bike up to about 160kph - no missing, no flat spots, no noticeable popping or backfiring, in all a very pleasurable ride. Prior to today and noticeable after I bought the bike it was running fairly rough down low and on approaching and negotiating roundabouts it was so rough I had to keep adjusting throttle position to keep the bike on track. Now I can take roundabouts and tight turns at speed and slowly with ease. So it appears, to me a least, that the bike may not have had an ECU retune after fitting TOR system and bypass? I will arrange to have factory tune checked ASAP but by the way the bike is running I'm not sure if it needs it.

At RAAX, I accidentally dislodged the Carpenter Brute and it didn't get seated back well. Afterwards it was decel popping profusely (even though I could not hear any exhaust leaks). The next day, I hit the throttle hard and blew the header completely off necessitating me to pull over and reconnect it to the motor. Voila! Instantly no more decel popping. In addition to lean AF ratio, I know now for sure
cold air leaks in the exhaust also causes decel pop.

IOW Looks like you fixed it. Good on ya.
Let me know what tune you run! I have a ramair and the equivalent of TORs and have the exact same problem on my 07
Let me know what tune you run! I have a ramair and the equivalent of TORs and have the exact same problem on my 07
Hey Bud have you tried any of the custom tunes on Tom's site

Below is a zip of one I would not be afraid to try. It was Jardine and triples so if yours are more open the TORS you might find it working well. and since the ram air breathes a little more then the triple filters you will need the extra fuel. They have a few for tors and triples also.

If the Jardine one works well I have another one you can also try.

And there is a guy on this site parting out his 05 I think he might like the idea of you giving him 500 bucks for them. Jardines have a special sound of there own its a good rumble.

no matter what you can not beat tuning the bike on a dyno

Wild child is lucky there is a guy who tune rockets in his state he is also versed on tune boy. I am not sure about tune ecu but he has even tuned force air rockets.


  • 20222MapJardineDecel.zip
    146.6 KB · Views: 4
Hey Bud have you tried any of the custom tunes on Tom's site

Below is a zip of one I would not be afraid to try. It was Jardine and triples so if yours are more open the TORS you might find it working well. and since the ram air breathes a little more then the triple filters you will need the extra fuel. They have a few for tors and triples also.

If the Jardine one works well I have another one you can also try.

And there is a guy on this site parting out his 05 I think he might like the idea of you giving him 500 bucks for them. Jardines have a special sound of there own its a good rumble.

no matter what you can not beat tuning the bike on a dyno

Wild child is lucky there is a guy who tune rockets in his state he is also versed on tune boy. I am not sure about tune ecu but he has even tuned force air rockets.

Warp, are you saying there's a fella in MN who tunes Rockets?