Exhaust Popping - running lean?

He he "Secondary Air Injection" wow I didn't know we had one of those just imagine what would happen if we turned it up!! Would it be like have Super Charger Ha Ha.
What Ruzz said is bloody true, you should ask the Triumph Auss rep to send you a picture of .... The wanker
Excessive "popping" is usually a lean fuel air ratio. as others noted, this is fairly common with after market pipes reducing back pressure which translates to changing cylinder conditions and due to the lower back pressure the O2 sensor becomes less sensitive. Also means poor low end throttle response and hesitation at low cruising speeds. Your bike needs to have its computer reprogrammed or add a power commander or other fuel manager to enrich the mixture and compensate the reduced back pressure. However, a vacuum leak such as rotted or loose vac hoses can also cause issues, but you usually get a check engine and the dreaded high idels response. These bikes are relatively sophisticated and changes to exhaust or intake are a sticky wicket without proper ECU compensations.
My 2007 classic has done the same thing since I had the exhaust mods done. I quite like it, but then - I am a bit weird.

Nothin wrong bein' a bit weird Silli- I am too,-I have the same year Classic as you--- mine pops a bit as well, since droppin' the 'cat', kinda reminds me of the Sprint I had some years back. It doesn't seem to make any difference to the power, she can still pull me arm sockets out .
Popping on deceleration is ok, it is normal with aftermarket pipes, popping is caused by unburned fuel in small amounts inside the exhaust system.
Backfiring on deceleration is NOT ok, that is an indication that detonation is occuring inside the combustion chamber {engine}
The 865 engine has secondary air injection. Pops air into the head after the exhaust valve to facilitate ignition in the header pipe of I burnt fuel. It causes some popping and excessive heat. You can see the air injector sitting next to the spark plug.

Removal does nothing for performance but does make the bike run a little cooler, smoother and dirtier.

You dealer is having trouble telling the difference between a Rocket engine and an 865????
That red pipe looks good mate. What sort of paint did you use????
The first (new) T-Birds (~2010) had SAI.
I was being sarcastic, whilst it is something I do not do often this was just to rediculous not too

Spot on!

I Only get slight occasional 'popping'(not regularly) and never get backfiring. so is that o.k.?. or do ya think remapping is required?. I haven't noticed any performance differences.