I guy round the corner from my work had a full set of staintunes for sale with cat bypass for"$300" yes that's rite $300 so my brother was nice enough to snap them up for me . They should go well with the new headers I'm buying from Sam ;)
:eek:OH, you suck!!!!!!!!:mad::mad:
Da*n, Da*n, Da*n!!!!!!!!!!:(
Well done Mitch, top score mate.
Cheers TC couldnt believe my luck when they wher round the corner from my work :) i made sure i snapped them up in seconds . he had them advertised on ebay and all so i did the deal and he ended the bidding three days early
Cheers TC couldnt believe my luck when they wher round the corner from my work :) i made sure i snapped them up in seconds . he had them advertised on ebay and all so i did the deal and he ended the bidding three days early

Good for you, mate!! :D
Hope I can get a blessing like that.
Ok stupid question answered sealant purchased
anwser to first question when fitting StainTunes is No they are such a tight snug fit you don't need to .... and before anyone suggests otherwise not a single backfire or pop:D
Yeah i dont think the guy realised they wher stainless he said they wher on the bike when he bout it .
He put shortys on his bike and droped the entire staintune system off in one piece so all i had to do was the same with the Tors i had on and then bolt his straight up to the headers and all was sweet. I couldnt believe he only wanted $300 and he even left his heatshields on the sides of the silencers so now i have a spare set :D
Glad you got a spare cos if you are getting Sam to make your like mine you will need totrim a bit of the front of your right hand heat shield so it mates up nicely if you ask him to put the heat shield bolt in the same as mine then when yo put the system on get bolt of the same thread as the thread he used cut the head of and make the cut of section of thread bolt grind it to a point screw it in with the point faceing out and with the header shields in place put the rear bolt in the stock lower heat shield and while holding it in place tap the shield with a bit of 4by 2 leaveing a small indentation on the back of the heat shield drill hole for bolt then mark your point where you need to cut heres a picture of the end result if you need closer pic let me know:cool:


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I know this is an older post but the info was good to know thanks guys. I picked up bypass pipe used off a damaged rocket and also picked up some factory TOR that a guy didn't want anymore. in total I paid $105 for all and I sand blasted the pipes to ceramic coat them black then spent half the day polishing the tips now just waiting on the gaskets to come in.