Want to Buy Exhaust for Roadster

What header is this? Amazing bike man.

Fourfive, this is one of the headers that I build for the Rocket, this particular bike (above) has a Rinehart muffler fitted.
I'm now in the process of making the tooling to produce this style unit.
These are available in either Satin Black as on the Roadster above, or in a "Polished Aluminium" as shown on my bike below.

See this page www.facebook.com/vikingexhaust
Shoot me an E-mail to paul@vikingexhaust.com and I can give you full details of what I can do for you.

Hi Bull

Think this is what your after? was building my own headers a while back before I caught up with Paul down the road, had done all the above maths. Sorry its in metric but that's how we roll here.


GREAT STUFF!!!! :eek:
Exactly what I was after! :thumbsup:
Thanks mucho for providing this dope. :inlove :D
Its listed in the service manual :)

30" primary @ 1.75 is a very good primary size/length for the stock motor. The diameter targets a peak torque boost right around 4600 RPM, and the length targets about 3900, a good point that helps extend the upper power band, coincidentally the CES exhaust is very close to these numbers.

The collector and post collector length will pivot the curve around that 4600 number, so shorter will tilt to to increase upper/decrease lower and vice versa. Paul's systems look like they will, guessing here, target something like 4800/5000 for peak pulse tune, also a very good spot, I expect they make power graphs similar to CES.

Carps pipes do indeed have bigger primaries, moving power up to 5900, shorter primaries, moving power up, BUT, they use the megaphone collector style that's fairly long, this will increase exhaust gas velocity, improving bottom end, so it will make a good "everywhere" power curve. What you will find, is as exhaust flow increases, primary diameter will matter more, so yes, on the built motors the non-carp exhuasts using 1.75 "may" cause a reduction in ultimate top end power, but should be trading that off for an increased area under the curve, BUT, if 1.75 just becomes straight up undersized, they would lead to a reduction everywhere in the RPM band vs the 2.0 primaries.

I should qualify that I am of the opinion the Carp pipes will make notably less power at part throttle conditions than any other R3 system out there.

If you look at cam timing, it creates peak power low down, so having the exhaust create power higher up extends the torque curve giving a longer, broader power band, something reflected in all the dyno graphs of aftermarket headers (besides zard's garbage).

Someday when my **** dealer gets off their asses and gets my 265 head/cams put on, we'll find out, I plan on going sidewinder at some point, so there can be a back to back apples to apples ces vs carp header on the 2wdw dyno when I get to WA.

Good dope, Robert.
Much to learn when you get over here.
I thought the CES primaries were 1 7/8" ID?
@Paul Bryant The more I see your headers the more I like the seamless look, they really are nice looking. Any chance you can do a set with 2" primaries?

I have actually done this but am not happy with the heat issue.
Three 2" Headers take up a lot of space, right where your legs is, there are no options.
Heat shields yes, but heat shields require press tools to make, one for each shield, expensive tooling.
My back ground is R&D Engineering and Tool-Making so have made all the tools required for the over 70 different products that I currently make.

My current Rocket Collector for example.


So, as I can't (at this stage) build a 2" system that is not going to burn one's legs, I'm not building one :(
I have prototypes built for 1¾, 1 7/8 and 2" O.D. systems.
I have two new products (for the Rocket) that are in the later development stages now.