
Jan 20, 2011
Hilton, New York
2011 R3T- Jardines / RamAir / PCV/AT
I've been here lurking for a few days, there is so much to read and learn. Last summer I saw my first R3 sitting in a parking lot. Never saw it move, never heard it run, just knew I wanted that ugly bike.
Sold my beloved 1800vtx in Sept, went to bike week without a bike this year and came home with 2011 R3T.

Still have to pinch myself.
I road it from Daytona to North Carolina and left it as it was past due to for it's 600 mile check by the time I got that far, and also it is just to blasted cold here to want to be in an 80mph windchill till I got home.

I have a listing of bookmarks for everything from horns to exhaust, to cruise control, I can't wait to get it home to start working on it.

Hello to everyone!
If having a VTX meant you had good taste to begin with, buying the R3 (even a T) proves you have even better taste and refinement. G'day and welcome from Downunder. You will enjoy the ride and get a lot of satisfaction from the tinkering.

Is there a story behind the name??
Welcome aboard Captain. You might be interested in this upcoming Rocket gathering.

Adirondack Salvo '11 - July 7th-9th Old Forge, NY
It’s taken a little while to nail down the details but this year’s Adirondack Salvo is on and set for the 3 nights starting Thursday July 7th, 8th and 9th. The event will be held at the North Woods Inn and Resort in Old Forge, NY North Woods Inn & Resort Adirondack Lodging Adirondack Bed & Breakfast Inn & Restaurant on Fourth Lake Old Forge New York

We’ve got 19 rooms reserved and pay no attention to the website rates, they’ve given us special rates with some of the rooms at $120/night and others at $150/night. Some are ‘family suites’ (two bedrooms share a common bath) so a few couples who want to save bucks might consider that set up. BE SURE TO SAY YOU ARE WITH THE TRIUMPH GROUP in order to get the reservation and the special rates. call 315-369-6777. Any questions, ask for Marie the manager.

For those who attended Big Moose a few years back, Old Forge is just ten miles down the pike so you’ll be familiar with our fabulous twisties and great scenery.
The basic schedule is folks arrive on Thursday afternoonish into the evening depending on when you can get away so we’ll just hang out in their on-site tavern as folks arrive throughout the evening. I like Todd’s ‘no formal rides’ concept from last year’s Deals Gap Salvo so there won’t be formal rides. However, many folks have ridden these parts and there will be plenty of choices betieen spirited rides, easy going scenic stuff or just hang at the pool and catch some rays. I know there’s definately a Tracy Road crew (71 curves in 7 miles, no side roads, no driveways, just pure fun). The Olympic venues are not too far away in Lake Placid and great rides in every direction.

Friday evening, Chef Jeff will do a bar b q and we’ll all pitch in on the cost of food, beer and wine.
More rides on Saturday and then Saturday night, they are giving us their conference room to have a private dinner. I’m working with them to give us a ‘fixed price’ all inclusive dinner with all the fixins- probably in the $30-$35 range including tip and tax. We’ll try and get three choices (beef, chicken and fish). Y’all have to give us your choice maybe by Thursday night, something like that so the chef will know what to buy.
I believe some early birds have already taken about 6 of the rooms so don’t delay making your reservations. I think they charge a deposit of 50% up front and if you cancel 15 or more days beforehand, you get the deposit back. Otherwise, they keep the deposit. I think that’s about it for now. We look forward to another great gathering of the clan. Speaking of which, kilts are definitely in fashion for Saturday night.


p.s. Any questions, give a call in the evening at 518-761-9024, PM me or email dharvey27@roadrunner.com
Welcome to the club,, and you are not getting anywhere close to my bones
Welcome from another Upstate New Yorker. Where abouts in NY are you from.

Enjoy the site there is a lot of knowledge here.


I so wanted the Roadster, they had a shiny new black one parked right next to the tourer I bought. But the reason I sold the VTX was for something more suited to traveling. I thought this would prove to be the best of both worlds, that and my bride really liked the bike we bought, and told me it was time to slow down a little, after all I am retired now...... she understands the need for speed but has much better self control then I do.

The name comes from a hobby I do when I have time or am in the mood, I carve antler, normally doing knife handles and such things, I added a picture as my avatar of one of the handles. I also do game calls and other such do-dads.

Here is another handle I was working on.....
Old Forge sounds like a great idea! I will pencil it in before plans are imposed.

I am located in Hilton, west of Rochester....

I have to admit, your bonecarving skills are amazing,
I can see all the details and they look very professional.
That would be a great hobby to have in retirement.
Welcome aboard from Canada bonecarver. You're going to find that this site is extremely user friendly, informative and addictive. Great carvings by the way! I think we need to see a bone carving of the Rocket III next!
Welcome to the site, great choice in a bike...the Tourer. I am trying to put myself in the position to be able to get one in the fall.

Hopefully you'll be riding it plenty soon.


99 dtg Dubai
100 dtg Home for good!