Error Code P0704

with the clutch switch problem
you will/may have a stalling prob
gas gauge prob
no cruise contr

with the clutch switch problem
you will/may have a stalling prob
gas gauge prob
no cruise control
Yes you are right. My fuel gauge is not showing fuel.

Pls guide how can I replace the clutch switch ? Where can I order new part if required ?

i tried to find a thread that had that info but could not find it.
maybe one of the other guys can find it.
i know it has triumph numbers and pictures for replacement
with the clutch switch problem
you will/may have a stalling prob
gas gauge prob
no cruise control

My apologies for a delayed response as I am new to 3R and it took some time to figure out what you guided.

Today, I opened the CLUTCH SWITCH BRACKET (T2042744) by opening the 2 screws under it and separated the CLUTCH SWITCH ACTUATOR (T2042793) and take out the CLUTCH SWITCH (T2042794).

I cleaned the CLUTCH SWITCH and then checked it's functionality by trying to start the bike while keeping it pressed and un-pressed. Happily, it started working. Then I straightened the CLUTCH SWITCH ACTUATOR tab and re-assembled the whole CLUTCH SWITCH fitting.

Now, it's working fine as the bike doesn't start if the clutch is not pulled.

Thanks for the help and guidance.

As you mentioned, if the CLUTCH SWITCH is not working properly, it will affect the Gas Gauge and Cruise Control. I want to understand how the CLUTCH SWITCH malfunctioning affects the Gas Gauge and Cruise Control as my Gas Gauge is not working. Will it start working as the CLUTCH SWITCH has started working fine now ?


If u can clear codes then it should start working preety fast
If you don't then a may take some time.
When the clutch switch malfunctions then the ecu sets a code in the ecu.
When it sets the code the ecu causes these problems. The cruise control needs the clutch switch info and the idle needs the correct clutch switch information the gas gauge information is probably just to get your attention.
I cleared the error with dealertool.

Gas gauge is working now. Didn't try the Cruise control. Hopefully it would also be working.

Thanks a lot for the help.

Just had the same error, initially I thought it threw the code because the battery was low, so I cleared the code then the error popped again on a bumpy ass road. Took it home, tightened the two screws and ran 200 miles with out issue. When I saw the actuator and the switch I initially thought something had broken, sadly they just went really really cheap with this assembly. This was on a 2022 with 1600 miles on it.