Engine ticking

When I said tighten the exhaust bolts, I meant specifically the manifold to head. If loose here, you will get a noise when cold until everything expands sealing things up.

PS - @TURBO200R4 would have known what I was talking about....
that is a good call.
when they are cold and you roll on the power they tend to squeak tick and make a lot of different sounds.
I have an 06 with mechanical rockers and standard lifters and I’m not sure if the newer one are hydraulic lifters but it sounds like valve lash has settled/worn in and things are a little loose. The 06 says service at 30,000 miles but since yours is under 1000 get it adjusted under warranty. If the valves were adjusted at your 700 mile maintenance they may have monkeyed it up.
I wish that my engine had a ticking noise !!! the engine on my 2020 gt (32,000 kilometres admittedly} sounds like a
handful of nuts and bolts have been thrown into the engine. Sorry to say it, but your worries are just at the beginning
in my experience. I hope I'm wrong in your case however.
Point of clarification for some that might misread this (not trying to be critical). I don't think any of the Rocket engines have rocker arms or traditional lifters, mechanical or hydraulic, designed to open the valves. They are overhead cam configs where the cam lobe rides directly on the valve shim bucket. Also, I don't think the dealer performs a valve clearance check on the first service unless there is some kind of warranty request for noise etc. It is up to the owner to get the valve clearance checked.
Thanks for the additional comments and clarifications - will try to tighten the exhaust bolts connecting manifold to head and see if this does the trick.
Alongside will also create a walkaround video showing the sound when starting the engine cold. Should be able to do both over the weekend or next week latest.

@jammybun, with regards to your comment does the engine only make a lot of (strange) sounds or do you also feel any impact on performance? In my case - and with roughly 6000 miles on my 2020 3R (OCT 2020) - I don't perceive impact on performance whereby I cant compare to the beginning as bought the bike used this year with 5000 miles on it. Service history of the bike is complete whereby to Greggers point it nowhere says valves have been checked rather than service based on manufacturer guidelines has been completed (and if valve check / adjustment is not included this surely will not have been done I guess).
Did tighten the exhaust bolts connecting manifold to head (they were a little bit loose) but this doesn't change anything in my case :-(

Have also made a recording of the sound and sent to my dealer who stated he didn't hear a comparable one before (and they have several R3 on the road) but he doesn't think it is anything serious as long as it does disappear within the first minutes after cold start and once the engine is warmed up. So fingers crossed he is right and thanks for all your help
What happened to posting a walkaround vid with good sound on here

I wouldn't have much faith in dealer by the sounds of it
Thanks for the reminder - video with sound when starting cold can be accessed here:
In addition to the normal engine sound when starting cold you should hear this high frequency sound like a slipping belt
Tried to identify its origin and it seems to be loudest at the left side and back end of the engine block / starting point of the cardan shaft (not sure if you hear this on the video)
Pulling the clutch doesn't make a change and the sound disappears after 3-5 minutes when engine is warm (whereby you hear it consistently until engine is warm)
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