Engine malfunction light!


Mar 28, 2009
Any one know how to keep the warning light from coming on? dealer reset and cleared the error! it was for throttle postition sensor! He said this was from me taking out the secondary butterflies! and that I was on my own for this! any Ideas?
Just removing the butterflies should not throw a code. If you removed the TPS and re-installed it out of phase, than yes this will make the light come on. At least this has been my experience. In fact my primary TPS was totally screwed up and it never threw a code until I swapped it with the secondary while awaiting the replacement.
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Just removing the butterflies should not throw a code. If you removed the TPS and re-installed it out of phase, than yes this will make the light come on. At least this has been my experience. In fact my primary TPS was totally screwed up and it never threw a code until I swapped it with the secondary while awaiting the replacement.

No MM never touched the TPS! what will happen if I unplug it?
If it is the primary TPS it may not idle very good.

I have never heard of removing the secondaries causing that.

yeah I could not see where that would cause that either! the square rod and all the related parts are still there! triumph mechanic said maybe the rod is rotating too far! wish someone on here new a fix! the light is irritating!
Did you rotate the rod when you took them off? Turn the ignition on wait for it to cycle then rotate it back to where the screw holes face you.
Ive heard of dealers saying it was the secondaries before, mine never threw a light

but the position may be off and the cpu confused..