Engine hot start problem

Welcome. Sorry Pippo i'm an electrical moron.
It beheave like battery is completely off duty

Can you expand on that please:
Are Instrument lights still on? Headlights still on?
If latter is true, what happens when you pull clutch and press start button - do headlights go out (even if only briefly) and come back on again when button released?
And if you just leave to cool down, it starts normally again (without having to charge battery)?

Without the benefit of the data above, my first 'guess' would be the starter solenoid - answers to those questions above will help to support or dispute that

Another VERY quick check is to inspect the single-way connector on the small gauge ground cable that comes off the main battery negative terminal - very common issue for that to be burnt and could be worse once bike has been running for a while.

Instruments and headlight are on. When I press start it is like battery is completely down, no lights and instrument points go crazy
Instruments and headlight are on. When I press start it is like battery is completely down, no lights and instrument points go crazy

That sounds like a loose / dirty ground issue. When bike hot metal expands and might make a loose connection high resistance, when cold metal shrinks and tightens connection enough to draw sufficient current from battery to start. Check all ground connections at battery, starter, and frame
I've had a couple cars, years ago, with " hot starters", my grandmother always said it was the solenoid, she knew her stuff when it came to cars, lol.
Welcome from Scotland Pippo, easy and quick, check 30amp fuse in fusebox .