Engine dresser bars

Craftride dressers now returned - threaded bar at top engine mount - I don't think so. The insurer would love that in the event of an off, feel better now

I think this is really overblown as an issue!

I replaced my RHS after an off and simply undid the RHS bolts including the top bolt while on the side stand - replaced RHS, bolted up and have ridden well over 3000Klm since with no issues.
When first fitted we really greased up the threaded rod before inserting and the weight was not on it as fully jacked. This was to ensure it did not snag or catch as inserted. There was no resistance and the rod ends were easily evened before nuts fitted on both sides and carefully tightened evenly to ensure the proper amount of thread was left each side. Jack lowered and weight distributed and after finally tightening it has never moved since, even when replacing the RHS bar on the sidestand with engine weight still on it so nothing moved.
Thanks for posting I just got a set of black ones..this will help alot.
Ah yes those were the instructions I got with the Fehling bars. I didn't fit them myself, I asked the mechanic who was fitting new tyres and he fitted them for me. Sorry I couldn't provide more information, but they did come with instructions I remember.
Has anyone gone through the effort of removing anything to install these? Seems overkill.
When my son had an off on his TL1000, the bike was lifted to an assessor company that listed everything none genuine. He had problems, I just thought that a threaded bar through the engine mount and any vibration ...... Not for me. I know someone on here mentioned an engineer bolt of correct diameter. That's just my personal choice...
Stock bars have an engineered bolt at the upper mount. Craftride have a threaded bar through the mount, I have been in engineering since 1981 and just do not like threaded bar as eventually play will occur on wear / vibration. This is a personal opinion and may not be shared by others. Also in UK - if an accident does happen and the bike is taken for examination - this none oem part may cause an issue.