Engine doen't like over 95 degree ambient Temp.

Symptoms of a Faulty Mass Air Flow Sensor
  • The engine is very hard to start or turn over.
  • The engine stalls shortly after starting.
  • The engine hesitates or drags while under load or idle.
  • Hesitation and jerking during acceleration.
  • The engine hiccups.
  • Excessively rich or lean idling.
Symptoms of a Faulty Mass Air Flow Sensor
absolute noob here but would it not be possible to use the OBD and measure both the air flow and throttle position at the same time and if those are not in sync would point to a problem?

Would think that a lot heree already use tuneecu and therefore have access to that data
The engine turns over freely, engine doesn't stall, engine doesn't hesitate, only jerks when running at over 95 degree outside temp., doesn't hiccup. Now at that over 95 outside temp. even at highway speeds it'll act up. Cooler weather it runs like a champ. Still scratching my head over this.
You check the TPS? If the air temperature sensor isn't the culprit the TPS may be faulty.
TPS has been replaced as it was acting up all the time. Still scratching my head.
If it's a sensor causing problem the air temp sensor will lean your fuel the higher the air temperature gets. Higher air temps reduce air density (specific volume increases as density decreases). Does the bike have a decel pop when you go off throttle? You might also check your O2 sensor in the exhaust plumbing. That inputs to your ECM as well. I bypassed that sensor long ago and plugged the hole it fits in. I removed the intake ductwork and strapped the air sensor to the frame. My 05 runs fine and doesn't have your issues.
I'll check the air temp sensor.
As of 11/1/21 I have it sorted out on what it was.Changed out the throttle position sensor, idle speed controller. The tps was replaced a couple of years ago but it was acting up with the temp, so all this did the trick now the bike runs great.
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