Engine Code P0315 error - SOLVED!

Hi, do you know with the unlock speed limit the top speed? Thank's
The latest version of TuneECU as of last week (v 5.6.02) lets you remove the speed limiter without paying for the full Pro version (there's an extra charge but not sure what it is). Announcement was on the TuneECU FB page.
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Tried to follow your great descriptions on a 2020 Rocket TFC after loading a new map to the ECU, the catch is that I do not have the segment to "adapt crankshaft", throttle and shifter adaption yes, but no crankshaft....Did the 15 min run several times, re- installed the map and no joy....teying to figure out if perhaps an older version of tuneecu would work.....otherwise I will have to ride to the dealership 45 miles away and have them use their tool....any thoughts would be appreciated....many thanks
It should be under "ECU" and "Tests and Adjustments" from memory? You're looking for "Crankshaft Position Adaption". It's definitely in there in TuneECU somewhere!
Hello bro , good day to you , it seems you sort it out very well , iam having the same issue after resetting my triumph tiger 900 adaptation values , its throwing me a P0315 code & cruise control , done everything to clear it but not in luck , iam using a OBDSTAR MS80 motorcycle professional tool which i bought for 2600$ , my all bikes & my friends are happy with it , it provides us all the solution , but just stuck in this triumph tiger , will appreciate if you can guide me how to get rid of it !
Sorry to hear you have hit a wall in this, but the problem with tools that can do most things on most bikes is they may not do very specific things with one brand. If you can’t find a crank sensor adaption routine for Triumph, may be faster and cheaper to buy an OBDLink LX (the cheaper supported BT adapter less than $100) and TuneECU ($25) on and Android phone or tablet, as you know it supports the routine.
Thankyou bro , does the tuneecu have crankshaft adaptation reset option , ive downloaded it and tried to connect with an ELM327 v.1.5 usb connector but its not connecting with it , is there any other way out to calibrate crank sensor manually ??
Thankyou bro , does the tuneecu have crankshaft adaptation reset option , ive downloaded it and tried to connect with an ELM327 v.1.5 usb connector but its not connecting with it , is there any other way out to calibrate crank sensor manually ??
TuneECU has it, but won’t let you do it until you pay and it’s registered (takes about 24 hours). And I don’t know about using it with a cable…
TuneECU has it, but won’t let you do it until you pay and it’s registered (takes about 24 hours). And I don’t know about using it with a cable…
So you did crankshaft adaptation through a Bluetooth connector ??
So you did crankshaft adaptation through a Bluetooth connector ??
or post nr 5 Engine Code P0315 error - SOLVED!
So you did crankshaft adaptation through a Bluetooth connector ??
you must buy blueetooth obd adapter, obd mx+ or lx version from amazon or whatever you like. OBDLink® MX+ - Outstanding Bluetooth-Compatible OBD II Scan Tool
then you must buy tuneecu regular version (atleast)
tune ecu now only is on android platform, so you must get an android tablet or phone.
Tuneecu has no more windows version. All windows versions are outdated and are being used for older bikes.