Ending a Monday with a swift kick in the pants...

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In the US - there has to be somebody making them. I fitted Maxtons (UK made). Are they worth it? - to me every penny. I gained a good 20kph in corners. The Gold Valve Emulators are ONLY for R3T

You ask about exhausts. The majority of the gains come from changing the headers. So yes many of the 1200USD sets will be better than simply swapping the end can.

Don't get me started on lights - I am FUSSY.

Traxxion Dynamics in Woodstock, GA makes a cartridge/spring/top cap assembly for the Rocket III inverted fork. Adjustable preload, adjustable compression damping, adjustable rebound damping. I have only done a few miles on the conversion, but can see that sag is much less (less sag than the Progressive springs I used before). Damping has better compliance and control than the stock setup. I haven't played with the adjustments yet, but looking forward to it. http://www.traxxion.com/AK-20-Axxion-Cartridge-Kit/
Somewhere I have a document that originated from Wayne Tripp that identifies a DIY set of mod's to do to R3 forks. It was posted on @warp9.9 technical website.

We have since machined a few "spacers" that tighten up the clearances on the bottoming cone piston a bit more than just using thick walled tubing. This improves the dampening even more. NO, I do not want to make more, but the details are below.
1.) Easy and cheap - 1.5 in. OD tubing, .200 wall thickness, 1.575 in long.
2.) Machined for closer clearances - 1.522 OD, .955 ID, 1.575 long. - add .125 in wide by .050 deep slot along outside.
Place on top of bottoming cone (underneath spring), and cut 1.575 inches from pre-load tube above spring. Cut less if more pre-load is desired. If using Progressive springs, you will need to cut for the pre-load in addition to what Progressive recommends for the spring used.
Somewhere I have a document that originated from Wayne Tripp that identifies a DIY set of mod's to do to R3 forks. It was posted on @warp9.9 technical website.
If Wayne put it on the Tech site then its still there.

Myself after switching to adjustable spring compression and adjustable high speed rebound dampening I can not figure out why Triumph did not make it standard OEM since it was designed.

As for adding a horn I rate that right along side with gay basket ball
For the new kids here, what, pray tell, is this "tech site" of which you speak ?

Inquiring minds want to know !
I put it on the tech site and just checked and it is still there. Wayne told me that after doing the mod with the grooved piece as described he found he was able to take a gnarly bumpy curve at 25 mph comfortably whereas before with the stock suspension he could only manage 15 mph.