January ride sunday 15th

sunday 15th january "tomorrow"
Ride starts at yatala BP at 8:30 am heading to purlingbrook falls in the springbrook national park via canungra for brekkie and a chat.
plenty of curves and mostly good surface
all welcome
Regards Mitch
Feb packrats ride

Feb packrats ride will be on sunday 12th Feb
starting in Yatala at bp

8:30am meet for a 9:00 start scroll down to new post for details

Regards Mitch
Feb mom packrats ride sunday 12th-2-2012

Purling brook falls in springbrook national park

Ok guys and gals due to the fact we never got to finnish this one last time due to weather ive decided to revive it
Meet at BP yatala at 8:30am for a 9:00am start before heading onto cunungra for morning tea and then up through beachmont and onto Purling brook falls in springbrook national park where we will stop for a look at the falls and the smokers can do their thing before doubling back and stopping at Advancetown pub for lunch where the ride will end.
regards Mitch.
March middle of month packrats ride

sunday 11th march "this sunday"
leaving from behind bp indoorpilly cnr stamford and mogill rds
leave 9 am sharp .

or u can meet at blacksoil bp where we will stop at 930-940 to pick up those starting there 10min stop only.

then heading to enigma cafe at esk for morning tea then onto dagular hotel for lunch before heading up mt mee and onto samford valley tavern wher the ride will end.
regards Mitch
Can't make this one Mitch, leaving 6.30 in the morning to ride around the hills all morning and finish up at QLD Z Owners rally at Connondale
Can't make this one Mitch, leaving 6.30 in the morning to ride around the hills all morning and finish up at QLD Z Owners rally at Connondale

Ah connondale is always a good rally mate enjoy . I won't be on the ride anyway mate just got a new dog so I'm broke from that transaction lol

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