ECU tune interchangability


I,m a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride.
Oct 31, 2010
Sutton ,Ontario, Canada
2010 Triumph R3T Black "Darksider" imitation 70cc motorized "Harley Davidson" bicycle
This question may be directed more to Tom Hamburg, but others in the know could chime in.
Since the Rocket has several different models , but all use the same engine and Kelhin ECU why are all the tunes geared towards specific models?
Why can I not use a tune from Tune ECU or Tune Boy for a Rocket Roadster and put it in a Rocket Touring or vice versa?
After all its the same engine, just a different tune.
No, they are not interchangeable, from everything I know.
The Roadster and Touring tunes are not compatible with the previous models.
Are the ECU's different?
The software programing is different between the Roadster and the Touring for instance the Roadster has anti lock brakes and the touring does not. therefore the touring does not have the programing siftware in it for ABS and will be lost rying to load a tune with information that does not have a place to go. Like wise the Roadster would be missing areas or bits/bites of the programing needed in it ecu. DTCalarm and no run. It shouyld be noted that the outside of the ecu looks the samne but the programs are different. In th older days 2004 to 2009 alll ecus were the same and maps wer compatible. the only real difference was the speed limiter on the classic and classic touring due to having bags and floor boards. Both ECU;s how ever were ompsatible and would except either tune.
Ok...I know I'll get slammed for this but here goes...

Warp...I dearly hope I get to meet you at MV...I know that you have had some ailments of late that require the use of moderately inebriating medication, and my best wishes for a speedy recovery btw, but...your spelling has at times given me high entertainment and periodic confusion. Not that its a problem understand...I like being entertained and even confused at times. Your willingness to help out us newbies is highly appreciated and definitely keep it up!!!

Warp is the man, but I'm sure he never won a spelling bee.
and here is me thinking it was some kind of 'merican slang, ....... just kiddin if you read carefull Scott (Warp) does make himself understood everytime
It is important to realise one simple fact.

What you see in TuneECU/TuneBoy etc is NOT the entire content of the engine control Software that is actually in the ECU. It is simply a way to VISUALISE certain parts of it.

The values are at specific "offsets" and this does change in certain models. The trick is finding these offsets or EVERYBODY could do it.

So feeding a non compatible map could well have the ECM interpreting a fuel value as a temperature or MUCH MUCH worse.

I also know that there are certain security functions in the ECU that simply restrict values to certain ranges - This came from the TuneECU guys who manually altered some fuelling values for me.