ECM and stuff (sorta) explained.....

send me a link to your calculator. i get around 207 on the calculator i use so i'm right around perfect. (gauge pressure). i've blueprinted, so i know exactly what my bore, stroke, rod length, chamber volume, dome volume, gasket thickness, deck clearance, etc is.
Btw , just re read your post, all Harley pcv have had fuel and ignition for years, do I not understand correctly what you said ?
they've had fuel, but they dont have (at least i've never seen) one that can advance timing.
???????? even back in the pC3 days Harley always have had ignition and fuel in the same power Commander. Mostly now I use Power Vision on Harleys, but I have not seen a Power Commander for a hog without ign in it... even the old PC 3's had ignition and fuel.. I use the PCV on ones with a turbo, so I can get a boost reference with fuel and ignition .
send me a link to your calculator.
Mine is a Snap on comp gauge. I do not use a calculator. I did a 120 cuber Monday with 11.7 comp and a 62 close and it did 215psi. 107 last week with 10.5 comp and 53 close 195 psi. The older 96 to 103 kitted bikes with the 255cam a 25 deg close an 9.8 comp did 220psi, pingmasters. ......... I am back to work. Cheers
Cant woop my rocket
dunno. i tried calculating the theoretical numbers for those combos and they all came in some a bit lower. a 120 at 11.8:1 with an Andrews 64 or a Woods 75 should be around 200psi. my gauge is a matco. i had another gauge that was coming in way low initially (was only reading about 180 or so), but tested perfect at 100psi against 3 other good gauges. got the matco that also tested the same, but when i put it on the bike it got what i expected. cranked up my compressors regulator and tested again and the crap gauge was already off 20psi at 150 regulated. matco was spot on.
The easiest way I've found with tune ECU l tables is to ride the bike on the dyno and note where they need changes, then do it. Takes a little while.
Nev - we have different interpretations of LITTLE. And without a dyno even gathering data is a true major PITA. Still it keeps me entertained.
Been running map based fuel mapping successfully for last couple of years using PCV.
doh! well, i stand corrected. i went out and grabbed a PCV that came in a box of other stuff i had bought and tried plugging it in again. (the last PC III i looked at was pretty old i was removing it for a PV, i guess i didn't note any ignition settings in it). this PCV i thought was broken since i couldn't get the powercommander software to connect to it. this a.m. i dug it out and tried again, after about 5 mins i realized that if PowerCore is running in the background, it grabs it first i guess. duh. anyways, i do see the ignition table as you said. (TPS rather than MAP, though). when i shut down PowerCore, the device shows up in PCV. that must have been why i just tossed it in the box a year or so ago. i see that in the PCV app that you can add a MAP ignition table, but that doesn't show up connected to C3. kinda a pain to use with MAP-based ignition tables.

my question still remains though.... how does timing get advanced by PCV? if it relies on the ignition pulses from the ECM coming in, how can it advance it if it's already happened? this is why i was trying to puzzle through.... does the PCV get programmed with the stock tune's ignition table so that i knows what a +2 means or something else (magic?). (and for MAP-based ignition tables in the ECM, but only TPS-based in the PCV..... how does this possibly translate?). sorry for the rambling a bit, wondering if i've been selling the PCV a little short since flash-based tuning seems so much more capable and intuitive. i suppose if i had the answers to the ignition questions i'd have a better feeling about it. if you don't know what the stock ignition advance is already, how can +2 in a table work?

and now, back to work as you say! gotta get those hrs in before celebrating our country's birth by spending a long weekend c(gl)amping in the woods! till next week!
One must run the PC control centre software in another computer, it will not run in the same PC as powercore. Apparently you can run powercore if you shut pcv software down and visa versa , but it's better to run it separate. I don't know how it works that's not my job. I just press the number I want in the square. I like the KISS principals.