EBC pads from o/s

Hunty give Dave at Tyres 4 Bikes in Brisbane 0732624377 a try .. tell him you're a mate of mine.

Will do...Flip is the still cheaper than any local supplier but not by much given the current value of the Aussie dollar
I need some Australian made goods, with cheap shipping to leverage the difference in value between US and AUS. So far however, all I find that 's made in Australia, is among motorcyle parts, and they are expensive no matter whose money you pay with!
I need some Australian made goods, with cheap shipping to leverage the difference in value between US and AUS. So far however, all I find that 's made in Australia, is among motorcyle parts, and they are expensive no matter whose money you pay with!
Has anyone tried METALGEAR stuff, from QLD I think.
I have used them on Bonny's, Tiger and Speedy.