Dyno Run w/Jardines Installed

Frank do you have a pic of the 1770's on your bike that you could post? I trying to figure out what filters to run on my bike.
Thanks, Dan
There was talk that on the 10's and 11's 4th and 5th gears were tuned for different numbers. Interesting you confirmed that. I wonder why? Just one of those little mysteries I guess. haha
hey frank,
did you have the same intake setup b4 the jardines or is that new also?
I was running the RU 3780's before I went to the 1770's. The 37980's are 3/4 inch taller than the ones they use under the BC. The 1770's gave me an additional 1 1/2 HP. I may go back to the 3780's.
I'll post some pics of goth of them installed.
I was on there 4yrs ago and after 3 names and password rejects I gave up. If I could get on there with my original info I would try it again. maybe:confused:
I'm using Tuneboy. My tuner says the tuneECU is better to analize. Something about putting on excel spreadsheets for comparison or something. Anyway, ahe's sucking out the tune in that format and try to get see what's happening between 4th and 5t gear.
I'llk post up the new numbers next week.


How did the runs go? Get everything straightened out?
Can't figure it out. Put the RU3780's back on and after getting the AF set, had 156 RWHP and 160.5 torque.
Hey, I'm 61 year old.lol It's all I cn do to hang on to this thing. I think I've reached my limits. Gonna ride the **** out of it and when hat day comes that it needs something major, off to Carpenter Racing and get it done right. I can't even imagine how it would feel after their magic.
Currently, I can assure you, that this Roadster with the mods and tune I have will give you all you want. Just hang on. An I mean that literally. It wants to run away from you. Bruce is looking into the PCV with the autotune add on. We may go that route. I'll let him advise me on this. Since he's the tune guru around here, I'll follow his advice on this.
It's an on going thing but it sure is fun.
Did you figure out what's causing the AF ratio lean spike in 5th gear between approx. 4400 and 5400 rpm? If you recall, we exchanged posts where you found the same issue on your bike as I have on mine, where the AF is stable in 4th gear, but spikes lean in 5th. I haven't been able to figure it out yet. Backed off the timing a couple of degfrees in case it's detonation, but didn't solve it. Any help would be appreciated.